Training Course: Certified Credit Executive (CCE)

The Certified Credit Executive (CCE) course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in credit management.

REF: FA3254390

DATES: 15 - 19 Jun 2025

CITY: Dubai (UAE)

FEE: 3900 £

All Dates & Locations


The Certified Credit Executive (CCE) course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in credit management. This course aims to provide a deep understanding of modern credit management practices, strategies, and tools. Participants will learn the latest advancements in credit risk assessment, credit decision-making, and credit portfolio management. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will enhance their proficiency in credit management and develop strategies to effectively navigate the complex credit landscape.



  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of credit management principles and their importance in today's business environment.
  • Explore the latest trends and advancements in credit risk assessment and credit decision-making.
  • Develop skills to effectively analyze and interpret financial statements and credit reports.
  • Learn advanced techniques for evaluating creditworthiness and assessing credit risk.
  • Understand the role of technology and data analytics in credit management.
  • Develop strategies for optimizing credit terms and conditions while balancing business objectives and risk mitigation.
  • Enhance your knowledge of credit portfolio management and strategies for managing credit exposures.
  • Learn effective credit collection and recovery techniques.
  • Familiarize yourself with legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to credit management.
  • Develop skills to effectively communicate and negotiate with customers, stakeholders, and credit agencies.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Credit Management

  • Importance and scope of credit management
  • Credit management fundamentals and principles
  • Overview of the credit life cycle
  • Key challenges and opportunities in credit management

Day 2

 Credit Risk Assessment and Financial Analysis

  • Advanced financial statement analysis techniques
  • Credit scoring models and credit risk assessment tools
  • Evaluating industry and market risk factors
  • Assessing borrower creditworthiness and repayment capacity

Day 3

 Credit Decision-Making and Terms

  • Credit policy formulation and credit decision frameworks
  • Credit terms and conditions negotiation
  • Balancing risk and reward in credit decisions
  • Credit decision documentation and approval processes

Day 4

 Credit Portfolio Management

  • Credit portfolio analysis and optimization
  • Credit exposure measurement and monitoring
  • Strategies for Credit Risk mitigation and Diversification
  • Managing non-performing loans and credit recovery

Day 5

 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Credit Management

  • Legal and regulatory frameworks in credit management
  • Compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations
  • Ethical considerations in credit management
  • Effective communication and negotiation in credit management

Training Course: Certified Credit Executive (CCE)

The Certified Credit Executive (CCE) course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in credit management.

REF: FA3254390

DATES: 15 - 19 Jun 2025

CITY: Dubai (UAE)

FEE: 3900 £

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