Certified Credit Executive (CCE)

The Certified Credit Executive (CCE) course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in credit management.


The Certified Credit Executive (CCE) course is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with advanced knowledge and skills in credit management. This course aims to provide a deep understanding of modern credit management practices, strategies, and tools. Participants will learn the latest advancements in credit risk assessment, credit decision-making, and credit portfolio management. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will enhance their proficiency in credit management and develop strategies to effectively navigate the complex credit landscape.




Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Credit Management

Day 2

 Credit Risk Assessment and Financial Analysis

Day 3

 Credit Decision-Making and Terms

Day 4

 Credit Portfolio Management

Day 5

 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Credit Management


  • All
  • Jun 2025
  • Dubai (UAE)