Training Course: Preventing, confronting and combating moral and sexual harassment in public administration

The Advanced Course on Preventing, Confronting, and Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration is designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively address and eliminate moral and sexual harassment in the public sector.

REF: NC3254300

DATES: 28 Apr - 2025 May 2025

CITY: Lisbon (Portugal)

FEE: 4300 £

All Dates & Locations


The Advanced Course on Preventing, Confronting, and Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration is designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively address and eliminate moral and sexual harassment in the public sector. This comprehensive five-day course aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to create a safe and inclusive work environment, foster respectful relationships, and effectively respond to incidents of harassment.


Course Objectives

  • Understand the concepts and manifestations of moral and sexual harassment in the context of public administration.
  • Explore the legal and ethical frameworks related to harassment prevention and response in the public sector.
  • Identify the impact of harassment on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
  • Develop strategies to prevent and address moral and sexual harassment in public administration.
  • Enhance participants' knowledge and skills in conducting investigations and handling harassment complaints.
  • Promote the implementation of proactive policies, procedures, and guidelines to prevent harassment and create a supportive work culture.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration

  • Defining moral and sexual harassment and its various forms
  • Understanding the legal and ethical implications of harassment in the public sector
  • Discussing the prevalence and consequences of harassment in public administration
  • Exploring the role of organizational culture in perpetuating or preventing harassment

Day 2

 Policy Development and Legal Considerations

  • Examining relevant laws, regulations, and policies related to harassment prevention
  • Analyzing case studies and court rulings on harassment in public administration
  • Developing effective harassment prevention policies and procedures
  • Understanding the legal obligations of public administrators in addressing harassment complaints

Day 3

 Creating a Respectful Work Environment

  • Promoting awareness and education on harassment prevention
  • Developing strategies to foster a culture of respect, diversity, and inclusion
  • Enhancing communication and interpersonal skills to prevent harassment
  • Implementing bystander intervention programs to empower employees to intervene

Day 4

 Responding to and Investigating Harassment Complaints

  • Establishing an effective reporting and complaint mechanism
  • Conducting fair and impartial investigations into harassment allegations
  • Addressing challenges and considerations in investigating harassment cases in the public sector
  • Ensuring confidentiality and privacy throughout the investigation process

Day 5

 Supporting Victims and Promoting Accountability

  • Providing support and resources for victims of harassment
  • Exploring restorative justice approaches in resolving harassment cases
  • Implementing disciplinary measures and consequences for harassers
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of harassment prevention initiatives

Training Course: Preventing, confronting and combating moral and sexual harassment in public administration

The Advanced Course on Preventing, Confronting, and Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration is designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively address and eliminate moral and sexual harassment in the public sector.

REF: NC3254300

DATES: 28 Apr - 2025 May 2025

CITY: Lisbon (Portugal)

FEE: 4300 £

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