Preventing, confronting and combating moral and sexual harassment in public administration

The Advanced Course on Preventing, Confronting, and Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration is designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively address and eliminate moral and sexual harassment in the public sector.


The Advanced Course on Preventing, Confronting, and Combating Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration is designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively address and eliminate moral and sexual harassment in the public sector. This comprehensive five-day course aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to create a safe and inclusive work environment, foster respectful relationships, and effectively respond to incidents of harassment.


Course Objectives


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Moral and Sexual Harassment in Public Administration

Day 2

 Policy Development and Legal Considerations

Day 3

 Creating a Respectful Work Environment

Day 4

 Responding to and Investigating Harassment Complaints

Day 5

 Supporting Victims and Promoting Accountability


  • All
  • Apr 2025
  • Lisbon (Portugal)