Training Course: Advanced Geospatial Analysis: GIS, LiDAR Data Processing, and Modeling

The Advanced Geospatial Analysis course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most modern and advanced techniques in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), LiDAR data processing, and modeling.

REF: IT3254379

DATES: 22 - 26 Jun 2025

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

All Dates & Locations


The Advanced Geospatial Analysis course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most modern and advanced techniques in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), LiDAR data processing, and modeling. This hands-on course will equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to effectively analyze and interpret geospatial data, extract valuable insights, and create sophisticated models for various applications.



  • To provide participants with a solid foundation in GIS, LiDAR data processing, and modeling concepts.
  • To familiarize participants with the latest advancements and best practices in geospatial analysis.
  • To enable participants to acquire practical skills in manipulating and analyzing geospatial data using GIS software.
  • To equip participants with the ability to process and interpret LiDAR data for various applications.
  • To enable participants to create and implement advanced geospatial models for solving real-world problems.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to GIS

  • Overview of GIS fundamentals and applications
  • Understanding spatial data models and coordinate systems
  • Introduction to GIS software and tools
  • Data acquisition and sources for GIS analysis

Day 2

 Advanced GIS Analysis Techniques

  • Spatial data manipulation and geoprocessing
  • Spatial analysis methods (buffering, overlay, proximity analysis)
  • Raster analysis and modeling
  • Visualization and cartography techniques

Day 3

 LiDAR Data Processing

  • Introduction to LiDAR technology and data characteristics
  • LiDAR data acquisition and preprocessing techniques
  • Point cloud classification and filtering
  • Digital elevation model (DEM) generation from LiDAR data

Day 4

 LiDAR Data Analysis and Applications

  • LiDAR data visualization and exploration
  • Terrain analysis and feature extraction
  • LiDAR data fusion with other geospatial datasets
  • LiDAR applications in urban planning, forestry, and environmental studies

Day 5

 Geospatial Modeling

  • Introduction to geospatial modeling concepts
  • Model design and parameterization
  • Implementation of advanced geospatial models
  • Model validation and accuracy assessment

Training Course: Advanced Geospatial Analysis: GIS, LiDAR Data Processing, and Modeling

The Advanced Geospatial Analysis course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most modern and advanced techniques in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), LiDAR data processing, and modeling.

REF: IT3254379

DATES: 22 - 26 Jun 2025

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

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