Training Course: The Complete Program of Defence Procurement Management Workshop

“Defence Procurement Management" course offers a comprehensive overview of key concepts, legal frameworks, and strategic approaches essential for effective procurement in defence sectors globally.

REF: SC3254334

DATES: 5 - 2025 May 2025

CITY: Online

FEE: 2500 £

All Dates & Locations


“Defence Procurement Management" course offers a comprehensive overview of key concepts, legal frameworks, and strategic approaches essential for effective procurement in defence sectors globally. Participants will gain insights into regulatory compliance, supplier management, and ethical considerations, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate complex procurement challenges successfully.



  • Understand the fundamental principles and practices of defence procurement management.
  • Familiarize participants with the legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations in defence procurement.
  • Develop strategic planning and execution skills for defence procurement projects.
  • Equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary for effective contract management and negotiation.
  • Enhance awareness of performance management, quality assurance, and continuous improvement techniques in defence procurement.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Understanding Defence Procurement Management

  • Introduction to Defence Procurement: Overview of the course objectives, structure, and importance of effective procurement management in defence sectors globally.
  • Key Concepts in Defence Procurement: Exploring fundamental concepts such as procurement lifecycle, stakeholder engagement, and legal frameworks.

Day 2

 Regulatory Framework and Ethics

  • Legal and Regulatory Landscape: Understanding the legal and regulatory frameworks governing defence procurement, including international agreements and domestic laws.
  • Ethical Considerations: Examining ethical principles, integrity, and transparency in defence procurement processes.

Day 3

 Strategic Planning in Defence Procurement

  • Needs Assessment and Strategy Development: Techniques for assessing defence needs, defining requirements, and formulating procurement strategies.
  • Market Analysis and Supplier Selection: Conducting market research, identifying potential suppliers, and selecting partners strategically.

Day 4

 Procurement Process Execution

  • Contracting and Negotiation: Understanding contracting principles, negotiation strategies, and risk management in defence procurement.
  • Project Management in Procurement: Overview of project management methodologies and their application in defence procurement projects.

Day 5

 Performance Management and Improvement

  • Supplier Relationship Management: Building and maintaining effective relationships with suppliers, managing performance, and resolving conflicts.
  • Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement: Implementing quality management systems, monitoring performance, and driving continuous improvement initiatives.

Training Course: The Complete Program of Defence Procurement Management Workshop

“Defence Procurement Management" course offers a comprehensive overview of key concepts, legal frameworks, and strategic approaches essential for effective procurement in defence sectors globally.

REF: SC3254334

DATES: 5 - 2025 May 2025

CITY: Online

FEE: 2500 £

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