Training Course: Media Strategic Planning training course

Crafting Your Influence: Essentials of Media Relations & Strategy

REF: PR3254492

DATES: 1 - 5 Jun 2025

CITY: Cairo (Egypt)

FEE: 3300 £

All Dates & Locations


"This interactive five-day training course explores the techniques and principles of strategic media planning in multicultural international contexts, with a focus on how to apply them in international organizations."

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the basic principles and advanced mechanisms of media planning.
  • Apply quality management techniques to ensure the effectiveness of data and information.
  • Identify the fundamental applications and limitations of international media strategies.
  • Develop media strategies tailored to the specific goals of international organizations.
  • Utilize performance analysis tools to enhance media strategies.

Course Outline:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to Strategic Media Planning
    • Introduction to strategic media planning and its importance in international organizations.
    • Principles of strategic planning and its basic tools.
    • Analyzing the current situation and reviewing successful case studies.
    • Setting media goals and objectives.

Day 2:

  • Formulating Objectives and Defining Messages
    • How to formulate clear and realistic strategic objectives.
    • Analyzing the target audience and identifying key messages.
    • Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Day 3:

  • Developing and Implementing Media Strategies
    • Developing media strategies and identifying key messages and appropriate channels.
    • Planning media campaigns: timing, resources, and tactics.
    • Using digital and traditional media techniques.

Day 4:

  • Monitoring Performance and Analyzing Campaigns
    • How to track and evaluate the effectiveness of media campaigns.
    • Data analysis and the use of advanced tools to assess campaign results.
    • Building improvement strategies based on analysis results.

Day 5:

  • Improving Strategies and Crisis Management
    • Developing strategies to improve performance based on feedback.
    • Strategies for handling crises and unexpected issues.
    • Simulating crisis scenarios and developing strategies to manage them.

Training Course: Media Strategic Planning training course

Crafting Your Influence: Essentials of Media Relations & Strategy

REF: PR3254492

DATES: 1 - 5 Jun 2025

CITY: Cairo (Egypt)

FEE: 3300 £

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