Training Course: C-SUITE Leaders Program—Middle East

The C-Suite Leaders Program—Middle East is a comprehensive course designed specifically for senior executives in the Middle East region

REF: CT3254245

DATES: 19 - 23 Aug 2024

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

All Dates & Locations


The C-Suite Leaders Program—Middle East is a comprehensive 5-day course designed specifically for senior executives in the Middle East region. This program focuses on developing leadership excellence and strategic thinking skills to drive organizational success in a dynamic business landscape.



  • Enhance executive presence and influence to effectively lead teams and stakeholders.
  • Develop strategic thinking abilities to navigate complex business challenges.
  • Acquire practical tools and frameworks for decision-making and leading change.
  • Cultivate effective communication and networking skills for building strong professional networks.
  • Foster growth mindset and the ability to execute growth strategies.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Executive Presence and Influence 

  • Understand the critical principles of effective leadership.
  • Develop persuasive communication skills.
  • Strengthen leadership presence.
  • Cultivate informal networks.
  • Learn a framework for persuasion.
  • Communicate vision and strategy persuasively.

Day 2

 Strategic Thinking 

  • Explore business strategy from multiple perspectives.
  • Decisive decision-making and leading change.
  • Creating and sustaining competitive advantage.
  • Leveraging strategic alliances.

Day 3

 Leadership Excellence 

  • Building high-performing teams.
  • Strategic thinking and acting.
  • Motivate and align the troops.
  • Think and act strategically.

Day 4

 Executing Growth Strategy 

  • Strategies for driving growth and delivering sustainable results.
  • Diversification and consolidation of corporate scope.
  • Scaling metrics.
  • Linking corporate strategy and intrinsic value.
  • Value creation through corporate strategy.

Day 5

 Immersion and Networking Event 

  • Three-day immersive learning experience and networking event on-campus.
  • One day of off-site activity for peer bonding and cultural competence.
  • Structured networking activities with peers, industry executives, and faculty.
  • Reflection, consolidation, and action planning.

Training Course: C-SUITE Leaders Program—Middle East

The C-Suite Leaders Program—Middle East is a comprehensive course designed specifically for senior executives in the Middle East region

REF: CT3254245

DATES: 19 - 23 Aug 2024

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

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