Training Course: Offices Management and Problem Solving

Effective time management and problem-solving skills are essential for personal and professional success

REF: LM3254154

DATES: 26 May - 6 Jun 2025

CITY: Vienna (Austria)

FEE: 7400 £

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Effective offices management and problem-solving skills are essential for personal and professional success. In our fast-paced world, the ability to make the most of your time and address challenges efficiently can greatly impact your productivity and overall well-being. This 10-day course on time management and problem solving is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical tools to enhance your skills in these critical areas.


  • Develop a deep understanding of the importance of time management and problem solving in daily life.
  • How to manage offices.
  • Providing support to VIPs
  • Acquire a range of time management techniques to maximize your productivity and minimize stress.
  • Enhance your problem-solving skills, enabling you to tackle challenges with confidence and creativity.
  • Create a personalized time management plan to suit your unique needs and goals.
  • Apply problem-solving strategies to address complex issues, both personally and professionally.
  • Cultivate a proactive mindset and build habits that foster better time management and problem-solving abilities.

Course Outlines

Day 1

 Introduction to Offices Management, Problem Solving, and Time Management

  • The significance of time management and problem solving in modern life.
  • Identifying common time-wasting activities.
  • Understanding the problem-solving process.
  • Introduction to office management and its importance.
  • Providing support to VIPs in the workplace.

Day 2

 Setting SMART Goals

  • Defining Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
  • Establishing clear objectives to guide your time management and problem-solving efforts.

Day 3

 Prioritization and Planning

  • Techniques for prioritizing tasks and activities.
  • Creating effective to-do lists and schedules.
  • Time-blocking for improved productivity.

Day 4

 Delegation and Time Optimization

  • Strategies for delegating tasks and responsibilities.
  • Time-saving tips and hacks for optimizing your daily routines.
  • Office management best practices.

Day 5

 Problem Identification and Analysis

  • Recognizing different types of problems.
  • Tools for problem analysis and root cause identification.
  • The importance of gathering data and information.

Day 6

 Creative Problem Solving

  • Techniques for generating innovative solutions.
  • Brainstorming, mind mapping, and lateral thinking.
  • Encouraging creativity in problem-solving.

Day 7

 Decision Making

  • Understanding the decision-making process.
  • Evaluating options and making informed choices.
  • Dealing with uncertainty and risk.

Day 8

 Time Management Tools and Technologies

  • Introduction to time management apps and software.
  • Strategies for effective email and task management.
  • Using technology to streamline your daily activities.
  • Office management tools and software.

Day 9

 Proactive Time Management and Problem Solving

  • Developing a proactive mindset.
  • Building habits that support time management and problem-solving success.
  • Overcoming common obstacles and resistance.
  • Office management strategies for proactive solutions.

Day 10

 Personalized Action Plan

  • Creating a customized time management, problem-solving, and office management plan.
  • Setting achievable goals for implementing what you've learned.
  • Reflecting on your progress and future improvements.
  • Strategies for providing exceptional support to VIPs in a professional setting.

Training Course: Offices Management and Problem Solving

Effective time management and problem-solving skills are essential for personal and professional success

REF: LM3254154

DATES: 26 May - 6 Jun 2025

CITY: Vienna (Austria)

FEE: 7400 £

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