REF: QM3254746
DATES: 17 - 21 Nov 2025
CITY: Seattle, Washington (USA)
FEE: 5700 £
All Dates & LocationsGovernment assets and properties are among the most valuable resources owned by public institutions, requiring stringent internal audit processes to ensure their protection, enhance their efficient utilization, and achieve compliance with established regulations and standards. This training course is designed to equip mid-level professionals with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct effective internal audits of government assets and properties, focusing on challenges specific to the public sector and ways to overcome them.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Enhance their understanding of the fundamental concepts of internal auditing for assets and properties in government institutions.
Apply the latest techniques and methodologies in risk assessment and control evaluation professionally.
Improve compliance with government policies and international standards related to asset management.
Develop effective and integrated audit procedures tailored to the public sector.
Strengthen transparency and accountability in managing government assets and properties.
Connect their previous experience with modern practices in internal auditing.
The concept and importance of internal auditing in government institutions.
Regulatory and legislative framework for internal auditing of assets and properties.
The relationship between internal auditing and governance in public institutions.
Differences between internal and external auditing and their respective roles.
Types of assets and properties in government institutions.
Best practices for efficient management of public sector assets.
Data analysis and financial reporting on assets.
Standards for asset evaluation and documentation.
Stages of the internal audit process for assets and properties.
Application of modern tools and techniques for data collection and analysis during audits.
Identifying financial and administrative irregularities.
Case studies to enhance practical skills.
Analyzing risks associated with government assets and properties.
Designing and testing control measures professionally.
Mitigating risks and enhancing compliance.
Utilizing digital auditing tools and modern technology in risk assessment.
Standards for effectively preparing internal audit reports.
How to present recommendations and corrective actions clearly and professionally.
Following up on audit results to improve institutional performance.
Practical session on preparing a comprehensive audit report.
Gain an advanced practical understanding of asset and property management in government institutions.
Develop advanced practical skills in risk assessment and effective internal auditing.
Improve compliance with international standards and government policies.
Gain the ability to prepare clear and comprehensive audit reports.
Enhance career advancement opportunities and professional distinction in internal auditing.
This course presents a valuable opportunity for internal auditors to gain advanced skills in auditing assets and properties, contributing to improved institutional performance and enhanced transparency and accountability. By attending this course, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of how to conduct audits effectively and efficiently, ensuring the achievement of strategic objectives in government institutions, with a strong focus on practical applications and real-world challenges.