Organic Petrography in Petroleum Exploration

Organic petrography stands at the forefront of petroleum exploration, employing sophisticated microscopic and analytical methods to unveil the intricate secrets of organic matter within sedimentary rocks.


Organic petrography stands at the forefront of petroleum exploration, employing sophisticated microscopic and analytical methods to unveil the intricate secrets of organic matter within sedimentary rocks. With the global pursuit of hydrocarbon resources growing ever more intense, comprehending the organic constituents of source rocks becomes crucial for optimizing exploration strategies and maximizing resource extraction. This course offers a comprehensive overview of organic petrography, empowering participants with the knowledge and skills needed to interpret organic components within sedimentary rocks within the framework of petroleum systems.




Course Outlines

Day 1

 Fundamentals of Organic Petrography

Day 2

 Microscopic Techniques in Organic Petrography

Day 3

 Analytical Techniques in Organic Petrography

Day 4

 Applications of Organic Petrography in Petroleum Exploration

Day 5

 Advanced Topics and Future Directions


  • All
  • Aug 2024
  • London (UK)
  • Cairo (Egypt)