Training Course: Comprehensive Structured Query Language (SQL)

In today's data-centric landscape, SQL (Structured Query Language) is indispensable for managing and analyzing data.

REF: IT3254470

DATES: 14 - 25 Oct 2024

CITY: London (UK)

FEE: 9400 £

All Dates & Locations


In today's data-centric landscape, SQL (Structured Query Language) is indispensable for managing and analyzing data. This comprehensive course covers the basics of SQL, advancing to intermediate topics, enabling participants to efficiently create, manipulate, and query databases. Through practical exercises and real-world scenarios, attendees will develop robust SQL skills for data analytics, database administration, and software development.



  • Grasp the fundamental concepts of databases and SQL.

  • Create, manage, and query relational databases.

  • Utilize SQL functions and operators for advanced data analysis.

  • Optimize database performance and ensure data integrity.

  • Implement intermediate SQL techniques, including advanced querying, transactions, and database security.

  • Apply SQL skills to real-world problems and case studies.


Course Outline

Day 1

Introduction to Databases and SQL

  • Overview of databases and their importance

  • Introduction to relational databases

  • Understanding SQL and its role in database management

  • Setting up a database environment (installation and configuration)

  • Basic SQL syntax and structure

  • Creating and managing tables

  • Hands-on exercises

Day 2

SQL Data Retrieval and Manipulation

  • Writing basic SQL queries

  • Using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY clauses

  • Filtering data with WHERE conditions

  • Sorting and limiting result sets

  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data

  • Practical examples and exercises

Day 3

Advanced SQL Query Techniques

  • Using joins to combine data from multiple tables

  • Inner joins, outer joins, and self-joins

  • Grouping and aggregating data with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

  • Subqueries and nested queries

  • Using common SQL functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX)

  • Case studies and hands-on practice

Day 4

Database Design and Optimization

  • Principles of database design

  • Normalization and denormalization

  • Creating and using indexes

  • Understanding and optimizing query performance

  • Using views and stored procedures

  • Practical exercises on database optimization

Day 5

SQL in Practice and Security

  • Implementing transactions and ensuring data integrity

  • Handling database security and permissions

  • Backup and recovery strategies

  • Introduction to advanced topics (e.g., SQL triggers, user-defined functions)

  • Real-world scenarios and problem-solving

  • Final project: Designing and querying a sample database

Day 6

Advanced Data Retrieval and Functions

  • Advanced SELECT statements

  • Window functions (e.g., RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER)

  • Advanced string functions and date/time manipulation

  • Using CASE statements for conditional logic

  • Hands-on exercises with complex queries

Day 7

Complex Joins and Subqueries

  • Advanced join techniques (e.g., cross joins, self-joins)

  • Advanced subquery techniques

  • Correlated subqueries

  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

  • Recursive queries

  • Practical examples and case studies

Day 8

Performance Tuning and Optimization

  • Analyzing query performance

  • Index strategies and optimization

  • Query execution plans

  • Tips for writing efficient SQL queries

  • Database maintenance tasks

  • Hands-on optimization exercises

Day 9

Transactions and Concurrency Control

  • Understanding transactions and ACID properties

  • Implementing transaction control (COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT)

  • Managing concurrency with locks and isolation levels

  • Deadlocks and how to handle them

  • Practical exercises on transaction management

Day 10

Advanced Database Management and Security

  • Advanced security practices (e.g., roles, privileges)

  • Data encryption and secure access

  • Automating tasks with triggers and scheduled jobs

  • Advanced stored procedures and user-defined functions

  • Final project: Developing and managing a secure, optimized database

  • Review and Q&A

Training Course: Comprehensive Structured Query Language (SQL)

In today's data-centric landscape, SQL (Structured Query Language) is indispensable for managing and analyzing data.

REF: IT3254470

DATES: 14 - 25 Oct 2024

CITY: London (UK)

FEE: 9400 £

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