Training Course: Certified Compliance Manager (CCM)

It's a management program designed to teach a practical understanding of regulatory compliance needs!

REF: CT321451

DATES: 6 - 10 Jul 2025

CITY: Washington (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

All Dates & Locations


CCM is considered the most advanced, comprehensive certificate in the field of compliance and anti-money laundering. Compliance and AML Specialists around the globe need a complete working knowledge of every aspect of the compliance role in order to gain experience and build their careers.

  • Our CCM training is based on the comprehensive, highly effective Know-How Concept.
  • Our CCM study guide is practical and user-friendly, utilizing modules that organize the information in a highly intuitive way for easy learning.
  • Our CCM Certification gives you the competitive advantage you need to draw the attention of recruitment agencies looking for Compliance and AML Managers.
  • Our CCM Certification gives employees in the Banking and Financial Sector, the knowledge they need to better understand Compliance and AML, helping them implement strong Compliance Programs and Supervisory Practices.
  • Our CCM Certification is recognized internationally by financial institutions, governments, and regulators.



  • Customer Onboarding and KYC
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF)
  • Advanced AML Investigations
  • International Sanctions and Embargoes 
  • Regulatory Compliance Management
  • Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS)
  • Develop your AML and compliance systems



Day 1

Customer Onboarding and KYC

  • Identification of Individual Accounts Charities, Non-Profit Organizations, Embassies, and Government Agency Accounts.
  • Accounts by Power of Attorney or Bank Authorizations
  • Identify the Real Beneficiary of the Account
  • A Design for KYC form (individuals)
  • Know your customer entity form (companies)
  • KYC Form Design for Companies
  • General Terms and Conditions
  • European Data Protection Act (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR)
  • FATCA Procedures When Opening an Account
  • Opening (Non–Face-to-Face) Account
  • Incomplete Accounts
  • Modify the Customer Data & Customer Risk Rating
  • KYC Update & Online KYC Update
  • Opening Accounts for People with Disabilities (Heroes)
  • General Rules and Guidelines
  • Dormant Accounts, Closure of Accounts, and Processes of Account Opening
  • Digital Identity and Electronic Know Your Customer (EKYC)

Day 2

Anti-Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

  • The Concept of Money Laundering
  • Elements of the Concept of Money Laundering
  • Original Crime
  • Financial or Physical Returns from the Original Crime
  • Camouflage and Concealment
  • Knowledge of the Sources of Funds
  • Terrorist financing
  • The Difference between Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism
  • The Consequences of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Crimes
  • The Most Important Methods of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

Day 3

Advanced AML Investigations

  • Correspondent Banking
  • Internal Accounts
  • Actions to Be Taken When Dealing with a Suspicious Customer
  • Unusual Transaction
  • Transactions Monitoring
  • Alert-Investigations (Case Management)
  • Confidentiality of Suspicious Activity Reports
  • AML FinTech Highlights
  • AML Robotic Processes Automation (Case Management)
  • Summary of FATF Recommendations
  • Factors of Successful Compliance and AML Program
  • Money Laundering Risk Classification
  • Customer’s Risk Rating
  • Types of Money Laundering Risk Classification
  • Electronic AML Risk Rating
  • Risk Assessment of Correspondent Banks
  • AML Risk-Based Approach

International Sanctions and Embargoes

  • Introduction
  • Definition of Sanctions
  • The Importance of Imposing Sanctions
  • Processes
  • Dealing with High-Risk Countries
  • Systems
  • Reporting
  • The Most Important International Sanctions
  • United Nations
  • United States Initiatives
  • EU Sanctions

Day 4

Regulatory Compliance Management

  • The Scope
  • Compliance to Direct Regulatory Bodies Instructions
  • Compliance with Internal Policies in the Institution
  • Relationship of the Compliance Department with Other Departments Within the Institution
  • Organizational Structure
  • Compliance Monitoring and Examination Process
  • Risk-Based Approach in Compliance Examination
  • Summary of Inherent Risk Calculation, Risk Mitigation, and Residual Risk
  • Issuing Regulatory Compliance Reports

Day 5

Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

  • Definition of FATCA
  • Types of FATCA Agreements
  • Risk of Non-Compliance with FATCA
  • Definition of a US Person (subject to FATCA)
  • FATCA Responsible Officer
  • Tax Evasion Practices
  • How to Deal with the Pre-Existing Accounts (four projects)
  • Documents Required for Accounts Subject to the Law
  • Joint Accounts
  • Minors Accounts
  • Power of Attorney
  • Employee’s Accounts
  • Recalcitrant Accounts
  • Annual reporting
  • Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

Training Course: Certified Compliance Manager (CCM)

It's a management program designed to teach a practical understanding of regulatory compliance needs!

REF: CT321451

DATES: 6 - 10 Jul 2025

CITY: Washington (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

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