REF: PS3254325
DATES: 2 - 13 Feb 2026
CITY: Pulau Ujong (Singapore)
FEE: 7900 £
All Dates & LocationsThe Aviation Technical Library Training Course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of aviation technical library systems and processes specific to the aviation industry. This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and utilize aviation libraries. Throughout the course, participants will learn about various aspects of aviation technical libraries, including their purpose, organization, available information resources, and advanced research techniques used to retrieve information from these libraries. The course will also cover the importance of libraries in supporting aviation technical operations and aircraft maintenance services.
Importance of the aviation technical library in the aviation industry.
Objectives and goals of the technical library.
Role of the technical library in supporting aviation technical operations.
ICAO as a Source of Aviation Publications:
Overview of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
ICAO's role in aviation publication standards.
Accessing and utilizing ICAO publications in the aviation technical library.
Principles of library organization and management in aviation.
Staffing and roles in the aviation technical library.
Collection development and maintenance in the aviation technical library.
Library & Information Resources Acquisition:
Acquisition methods for aviation-related resources.
Selection criteria for aviation technical services and publications.
Managing subscriptions and periodicals in the aviation technical library.
Providing reader services and reference assistance.
Library circulation systems and procedures.
Charging and discharging library materials.
Technical Publications Administration:
Managing technical publications in the library.
Classification and cataloging of technical publications related to aircraft maintenance.
Preservation and maintenance of aircraft manuals and publications.
Role of the aviation technical library in aviation safety oversight.
Safety-related publications and documentation in the library.
Collaboration with safety management systems in the aviation industry.
AOC Overview & Documentation:
Understanding the Air Operator Certificate (AOC).
Documentation requirements for AOC holders.
Managing and organizing AOC-related documents in the aviation library.
Quality management principles in the aviation technical library.
Standards and best practices for aviation library services.
Continuous improvement and quality assessment in the library.
Risk Management in Library Systems:
Identifying and mitigating risks in library operations.
Disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
Safety culture and risk awareness in the library environment.
Understanding the role of human factors in aviation safety.
Importance of promoting a positive safety culture in the aviation library.
Human error and its impact on library operations.
Strategies for integrating human factors principles into library practices.
Introduction to cataloging principles and standards.
Different cataloging systems and formats used in aviation libraries.
Metadata creation and management in the aviation technical library.
Cataloging tools and software applications for efficient organization of library resources.
Overview of Integrated Library Systems (ILS).
Functions and features of ILS in the aviation technical library context.
Automation of library processes through ILS.
Benefits and challenges of implementing ILS in the aviation technical library.
Characteristics and functions of airline libraries.
Developing library policies and procedures specific to airlines.
Collection development strategies for airline libraries.
Collaboration with other departments and stakeholders in the aviation industry.
Transitioning from a traditional library to a paperless environment.
Digital preservation and access to electronic resources.
Managing digital collections and copyright considerations.
Implementing technology solutions for a paperless library.
Emerging trends and technologies in library systems.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in aviation libraries.
Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on library technical services.
Adapting to evolving user needs and changing information formats in the future.
This course will provide participants with a deep understanding of managing aviation technical libraries and utilizing them effectively to support aviation technical services, including aircraft maintenance, aircraft service equipment, and aircraft manuals. Participants will also learn how to organize and manage aviation technical information to support aviation technical operations and meet industry standards.
Join us to become an expert in aviation library management and lead the digital transformation in supporting aviation technical services globally.