Training Course: VC Investment Portfolio Management in Private Markets

In the rapidly evolving landscape of venture capital (VC) and private markets, mastering investment portfolio management is crucial for success.

REF: FA3254339

DATES: 12 - 16 Aug 2024

CITY: Amsterdam (Netherlands)

FEE: 4200 £

All Dates & Locations


In the rapidly evolving landscape of venture capital (VC) and private markets, mastering investment portfolio management is crucial for success. This intensive course delves into the most modern strategies and techniques for effectively managing VC investment portfolios. Participants will gain deep insights into the unique dynamics of private markets, equipping them with the tools to navigate risks, optimize returns, and build robust portfolios.



  • Understand the fundamentals of VC investment in private markets.
  • Learn advanced techniques for portfolio construction and optimization.
  • Develop strategies for risk management and mitigation in private market investments.
  • Explore methods for evaluating and monitoring portfolio performance.
  • Gain insights into emerging trends and innovations shaping VC investment landscape.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Private Markets and VC Investing

  • Overview of private markets: distinguishing characteristics and opportunities.
  • Evolution of venture capital: from traditional to modern investment strategies.
  • Understanding the role of VC in a diversified investment portfolio.
  • Case studies of successful VC investments and their impact on portfolio returns.

Day 2

 Portfolio Construction and Diversification

  • Principles of portfolio construction in private markets.
  • Techniques for asset allocation and diversification.
  • Evaluating investment opportunities: due diligence and deal sourcing.
  • Designing investment thesis and aligning with portfolio objectives.

Day 3

 Risk Management in Private Market Investments

  • Identifying and assessing risks specific to private market investments.
  • Strategies for risk mitigation and diversification.
  • Legal and regulatory considerations in VC investment portfolio management.
  • Case studies of risk management failures and lessons learned.

Day 4

 Monitoring and Performance Evaluation

  • Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for VC portfolios.
  • Tools and methodologies for portfolio monitoring and reporting.
  • Evaluating investment performance: benchmarks and metrics.
  • Adapting portfolio strategies based on performance analysis.

Day 5

 Emerging Trends and Future Outlook

  • Exploring the latest trends shaping the VC and private markets landscape.
  • Innovations in portfolio management techniques and technologies.
  • Implications of macroeconomic factors on VC investment strategies.
  • Strategies for staying ahead in an ever-evolving VC ecosystem.

Training Course: VC Investment Portfolio Management in Private Markets

In the rapidly evolving landscape of venture capital (VC) and private markets, mastering investment portfolio management is crucial for success.

REF: FA3254339

DATES: 12 - 16 Aug 2024

CITY: Amsterdam (Netherlands)

FEE: 4200 £

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