Training Course: Sustainable Facilities Professional (SFP)

This course is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in sustainable facility management

REF: LM3254216

DATES: 25 - 29 May 2025

CITY: Cairo (Egypt)

FEE: 3400 £

All Dates & Locations


This course is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in sustainable facility management. The course focuses on the most modern and advanced practices in sustainable facilities management, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of sustainability principles and strategies. Whether you are an experienced facility manager or new to the field, this course will equip you with the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage sustainable facilities and contribute to environmental stewardship.



  • Gain an in-depth understanding of sustainability principles and their application in facility management.
  • Learn advanced strategies for integrating sustainability into facility planning, design, and operations.
  • Explore the latest technologies and innovations in sustainable facility management.
  • Develop skills in energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and indoor environmental quality.
  • Understand the economic benefits and business case for sustainable facility management.
  • Learn how to measure and track sustainability performance in facilities.
  • Acquire knowledge of green building certifications and standards.
  • Enhance leadership and communication skills for promoting sustainability initiatives within organizations.
  • Network and collaborate with other professionals in the field of sustainable facility management.
  • Develop a comprehensive action plan for implementing sustainable practices in your own facility.


Course Outlines

Day 1

 Introduction to Sustainable Facility Management

  • Overview of sustainability principles and their relevance to facility management
  • Sustainable facility management frameworks and guidelines
  • Benefits of sustainable facility management

Day 2

 Strategies for Sustainable Facility Planning and Design

  • Integrating sustainability into facility planning and design processes
  • Green building design principles and strategies
  • Assessing and selecting sustainable materials and technologies

Day 3

 Sustainable Facility Operations and Maintenance

  • Energy management and efficiency strategies
  • Water conservation and management techniques
  • Waste management and recycling programs

Day 4

 Indoor Environmental Quality and Health in Facilities

  • Strategies for improving indoor air quality and occupant comfort
  • Lighting design and optimization for energy efficiency and well-being
  • Green cleaning practices and sustainable procurement

Day 5

 Performance Measurement and Leadership in Sustainable Facility Management

  • Key performance indicators and metrics for measuring sustainability performance
  • Green building certifications and standards (LEED, BREEAM, etc.)
  • Leadership and communication strategies for promoting sustainability in facilities

Training Course: Sustainable Facilities Professional (SFP)

This course is designed for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in sustainable facility management

REF: LM3254216

DATES: 25 - 29 May 2025

CITY: Cairo (Egypt)

FEE: 3400 £

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