Training Course: Struts Framework in Artificial Intelligence

This training course aims to bridge the gap between the Struts framework, commonly used in web development and its application within the domain of artificial intelligence (AI).

REF: IT3254299

DATES: 13 - 2025 Apr 2025

CITY: Dubai (UAE)

FEE: 4400 £

All Dates & Locations


This training course aims to bridge the gap between the Struts framework, commonly used in web development and its application within the domain of artificial intelligence (AI). Participants will gain insights into integrating Struts with AI technologies to develop intelligent web applications efficiently.



  • Understand the fundamentals of the Struts framework.
  • Explore various AI technologies applicable to web development.
  • Learn to integrate AI functionalities into Struts-based applications.
  • Develop skills in building intelligent web applications using Struts.
  • Gain practical experience through hands-on exercises and projects.

Course Outlines

Day 1
Introduction to Struts and AI Integration

  • Overview of the Struts framework.
  • Introduction to artificial intelligence and its relevance in web development.
  • Understanding the need for integrating AI with Struts.
  • Exploring use cases and benefits of AI-powered web applications.
  • Setting up the development environment.

Day 2
Building Intelligent Forms with Struts

  • Recap of Struts fundamentals.
  • Introduction to form handling in Struts.
  • Integrating AI-powered form validation and data processing.
  • Implementing intelligent autocomplete and suggestion features.
  • Hands-on session: Building a form with AI-enhanced functionalities.

Day 3
Implementing AI-driven User Authentication

  • Understanding user authentication in web applications.
  • Overview of authentication mechanisms in Struts.
  • Integrating AI-based biometric authentication.
  • Implementing facial recognition and voice authentication.
  • Case study: Secure user authentication with AI in a Struts application.

Day 4
Enhancing User Experience with AI

  • Overview of user experience (UX) design principles.
  • Integrating AI-driven chatbots into Struts applications.
  • Implementing personalized recommendations using machine learning.
  • Enhancing accessibility with AI-powered features.
  • Hands-on session: Developing a chatbot integrated with a Struts application.

Day 5
Advanced Topics and Project Work

  • Exploring advanced AI technologies for Struts applications.
  • Implementing sentiment analysis and natural language processing (NLP).
  • Integrating AI-powered image recognition and processing.
  • Project work: Participants work on integrating AI functionalities into their Struts-based projects.
  • Presentation and discussion of project outcomes.

Training Course: Struts Framework in Artificial Intelligence

This training course aims to bridge the gap between the Struts framework, commonly used in web development and its application within the domain of artificial intelligence (AI).

REF: IT3254299

DATES: 13 - 2025 Apr 2025

CITY: Dubai (UAE)

FEE: 4400 £

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