Training Course: Strategic leadership for a visionary future for your bank

strategic management for banks

REF: FA321741

DATES: 11 - 15 Aug 2025

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

All Dates & Locations


In today's fast-paced banking environment, the ability to develop and implement effective strategies is crucial to ensure organizational success. This Harvard program focuses on the most relevant topics in strategic management for banks, including understanding competitive environments, analyzing innovation investments, leading change, reinventing business models, and the importance of strategic intent.

This program is for you, if your are ambitious, and want to make a significant achievement in your career.

Harvard series for Banking Professionals and Executives is the definitive collection of ideas and best practices for aspiring and experienced leaders alike. This series offer essential training selected from the pages of Harvard Business Review on topics critical to the success of every manager.

Titles include

  • Strategic Leadership with Impact: Building a Visionary Future for Your Bank
  • Transforming Strategies into Comprehensive Impact
  • Bank Manager Mastery: A Comprehensive Training Program to Power up Your Performance
  • Empowering Bankers: Communication, Decision Making, and Leadership for Success
  • Professional Excellence In Banking: Leadership and Personal Productivity Skills
  • Agile Leadership Mastery in Banking: Navigating Complexity for Strategic Excellence

Who Should Attend

Senior executives, directors, and managers who hold leadership positions one or two levels from the CEO and have been identified as central to the company's succession plan.


Course Objectives

  • Understand the different strategic styles in the banking industry and learn how to choose the right strategic style for your bank.
  • Learn how to manage your innovation portfolio effectively, including the 70/20/10 ratio for innovation investment.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the stages of change and the pitfalls unique to each stage.
  • Gain insights into the power of a great banking business model, and learn a three-step approach to reinventing your bank's business model for profitability.
  • Understand the importance of strategic intent in outsmarting rivals, and turn it into reality.
  • Learn how to focus on one challenge at a time and fuel an obsessive will to win, to achieve sustainable success.


Course Outlines

Day 1

Strategic Intent and Planning in Banking

  • Matching Strategy-Making Processes to Competitive Circumstances in the Banking Industry
  • The Four Strategic Styles, and Assessing Your Bank's Power to Change the Industry Environment
  • Choosing the Right Strategic Style, Developing a Plan for Implementation, and avoiding the traps.
  • Flaws of Traditional Strategic Planning Approaches
  • Defining Long-Term Strategic Intent and Focusing on One Challenge at a Time
  • Fueling an Obsessive Will to Win and Turning Strategic Intent into Reality

Day 2

Managing Your Innovation Portfolio in the Dynamic Banking Landscape

  • Analyzing innovation investments and returns
  • The 70/20/10 ratio for innovation investment
  • Building a diverse talent pool with a range of skills specific to banking
  • Funding transformational initiatives outside of the normal budget cycle
  • Non-financial metrics for early phases of innovation
  • Case Study discussion

Day 3

Leading Change in Banking Atmoshpere, Why Transformation Efforts Fail

  • The Evolutionary Process of Transformation: Advancing through Stages
  • Boosting Success in Transformation: Understanding Stages of Change and Pitfalls to Navigate
  • Striking the Balance: Corporate Change Efforts Between Success and Failure
  • The Ripple Effect: Devastating Impact of Critical Mistakes in Transformation
  • Renewing Organizations: Overcoming Major Errors
  • Exploring Real-Life Scenarios: Case Study Discussion on Successful Transformations Case

Day 4

 Reinventing Your Business Model

  • The Power of a Great Business Model
  • Overcoming the Challenges of Business Model Innovation in Banking
  • Understanding Your Existing Model: Key Questions to Ask
  • The Blueprint for a Profitable Model
  • Reinventing Your Banking Model: When and How to Do It
  • A Three-Step Approach to Business Model Innovation: From Customer Needs to Profitable Banking Solutions
  • Case Study discussion.

Day 5

Leadership with Impact

  • Unleashing the Power of Personal Branding: Techniques to Boost Your Influence
  • The Art of Genuine Conversation: Enhancing Employee Engagement and Credibility
  • Addressing the Public Voice: Leaders' Response to Employees in the Digital Era
  • Conversational Leadership: Embracing Start-up Qualities in Organizational Settings
  • The Building Blocks of Organizational Conversation: Intimacy, Interactivity, Inclusion, and Intentionality

Bonus Case Study: Proposing to Redesign a Global Investment Bank

A major, NYC-based, global investment bank is looking to rethink its Systems strategy amid a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

By David G. Fubini. Source: Harvard Business Review

Training Course: Strategic leadership for a visionary future for your bank

strategic management for banks

REF: FA321741

DATES: 11 - 15 Aug 2025

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

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