Training Course: Strategic Planning & Risk Response Management for INGO Administration

Welcome to the Strategic Planning & Risk Response Management course tailored for the administration department of international Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs).

REF: LM3254395

DATES: 26 - 30 Aug 2024

CITY: Geneva (Switzerland)

FEE: 4700 £

All Dates & Locations


Welcome to the Strategic Planning & Risk Response Management course tailored for the administration department of international Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs). This course is designed to provide INGO administrators with the essential knowledge and skills required to navigate the dynamic and complex environment in which they operate. Participants will gain insights into effective decision-making processes and develop strategies to enhance organizational resilience and sustainability. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective INGO administration within risk circumstances.



  • Understand the strategic planning process and its significance in the context of INGO administration.
  • Develop strategic plans that align with the mission, vision, and values of their organizations while considering the global context and administration requirements.
  • Identify and assess potential risks inherent in INGO operations, including geopolitical, financial, and operational risks, and their reflection on administration functions.
  • Implement proactive risk management strategies to mitigate identified risks.
  • Foster collaboration and communication within the organization/global administration offices to facilitate effective strategic planning and risk management.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic plans and risk management measures and adapt them as needed to ensure organizational success.
  • Benefit from lessons learned through previous emergencies and learn how to be better prepared for future critical events.


Course Outlines

Day 1

 Fundamentals of Strategic Planning

  • Overview of strategic planning in the INGO sector.
  • Understanding the global context and its impact on strategic planning.
  • Setting organizational mission, vision, values and its reflection on administration.
  • Stakeholder analysis and engagement in strategic planning.
  • Familiarize participants with administration tools commonly used by INGOs and how to deploy them when planning.

Day 2

 Developing Strategic Plans for INGOs

  • Crafting strategies to achieve organizational objectives in a global context.
  • Stakeholder analysis and engagement in strategic planning.
  • Prioritizing initiatives and allocating resources effectively.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of strategic plans in an international setting.

Day 3

 Risk Identification and Assessment in INGOs

  • Introduction to risk management in INGOs.
  • Identifying internal and external risks to INGOs administration through practical exercises and examples of existing risks that affected administrative functions.
  • Risk assessment methodologies and tools for INGOs.
  • Prioritizing risks based on impact and likelihood in a global context.

Day 4

 Risk Response and Mitigation Strategies for INGOs

  • Developing risk response strategies tailored to the international environment.
  • Risk transfer, avoidance, mitigation, and acceptance.
  • Implementing risk management and contingency planning for INGOs.
  • Building partnerships and networks for risk sharing and response.

Day 5

 Integration and Implementation

  • Integrating strategic planning and risk management processes in INGO administration.
  • Communicating strategic objectives and risk management protocols.
  • Creating a culture of risk awareness and adaptability within the organization.
  • Developing strategies for long-term sustainability and impact in the international development sector.
  • Compiling lessons learned in a risk database to ensure a better response to future critical events.

Training Course: Strategic Planning & Risk Response Management for INGO Administration

Welcome to the Strategic Planning & Risk Response Management course tailored for the administration department of international Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs).

REF: LM3254395

DATES: 26 - 30 Aug 2024

CITY: Geneva (Switzerland)

FEE: 4700 £

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