Training Course: Safety/Occurrence Investigation

In this comprehensive program, we will explore the essential aspects of conducting safety and occurrence investigations in various industries

REF: AV3254185

DATES: 27 - 31 Jan 2025

CITY: Paris (France)

FEE: 4900 £

All Dates & Locations


Welcome to the Safety/Occurrence Investigation course! In this comprehensive program, we will explore the essential aspects of conducting safety and occurrence investigations in various industries. Safety and occurrence investigations play a crucial role in identifying the causes and contributing factors of incidents, accidents, and near-misses, enabling organizations to enhance safety measures and prevent future occurrences.



  • Understand the importance of safety/occurrence investigation: Gain a deep understanding of the significance of safety and occurrence investigations in promoting safety, preventing accidents, and improving organizational performance.

  • Learn fundamental concepts and principles: Familiarize yourself with the key concepts, terminology, and principles related to safety and occurrence investigations, including legal and regulatory frameworks.

  • Master investigation techniques and methodologies: Acquire the necessary skills and techniques for conducting effective safety and occurrence investigations, including evidence collection, witness interviews, data analysis, and report writing.

  • Explore root cause analysis: Understand the principles and techniques of root cause analysis and its application in safety/occurrence investigations, enabling you to identify underlying causes and contributing factors.

  • Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze complex incidents, evaluate evidence, and make sound recommendations for preventing future occurrences.

  • Conduct effective interviews: Learn effective interview techniques to gather accurate and relevant information from witnesses and stakeholders during the investigation process.

  • Develop comprehensive investigation reports: Gain insights into the structure and content of investigation reports, including best practices for documenting findings, conclusions, and recommendations.


Course Outline

Day 1

  • Introduction to safety/occurrence investigation
  • Importance and benefits of conducting investigations
  • Legal and regulatory frameworks

Day 2

  • Key concepts and terminology in safety/occurrence investigation
  • Investigation planning and preparation
  • Evidence collection and preservation

Day 3

  • Interview techniques and skills
  • Analyzing data and evidence
  • Introduction to root cause analysis

Day 4

  • Advanced root cause analysis techniques
  • Human factors in safety investigations
  • Case studies and practical exercises

Day 5

  • Report writing and documentation
  • Developing recommendations for prevention
  • Lessons learned and continuous improvement

Training Course: Safety/Occurrence Investigation

In this comprehensive program, we will explore the essential aspects of conducting safety and occurrence investigations in various industries

REF: AV3254185

DATES: 27 - 31 Jan 2025

CITY: Paris (France)

FEE: 4900 £

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