Training Course: Result Based and Adaptive Management

Mastering Adaptive Management Principles: Drive Results Through Strategic Adaptation and Results-Based Management

REF: LM321620

DATES: 7 - 11 Apr 2025

CITY: Orlando, Florida (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

All Dates & Locations


Globalization transformed markets, intense competition and new technologies have converged to make organisational management focus more sharply on making certain that every internal program and project achieves all intended results. Stakeholders are demanding that the internal and external forces of change are managed with the type of programs that will enable the organisation to thrive in the face of change. Holding departments accountable for results is the essence of this unique seminar that presents the principles and practices on which Results-Based Management (RBM) is founded.

Course objectives 

  • Apply current best practices in Results-Based Management (RBM).
  • Demonstrate how to realize the potential for Results-Based Management (RBM).
  • Design an RBM approach for involving all stakeholders.
  • Control RBM projects and measure outcomes.
  • Enable your teams to apply Results-Based Management (RBM) in their own activities.

Course Outlines

Day 1: Getting Started in RBM

  • Defining the Function and Benefits of RBM.
  • Examples of Historical Outcomes using RBM.
  • Putting Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Together within RBM.
  • Tools and Techniques of Programme Management.
  • Principles of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluating for Results.
  • Overview of Key Roles and Responsibilities.

Day 2: Planning for Results: Practical Applications

  • Understanding the Strategic Plan and your relative SMART Goals.
  • Managing Stakeholder Engagement and Expectations.
  • The Planning Exercise: A Thorough Understanding of the Problem.
  • Route Cause Analysis to Define Problems and Issues.
  • Finalising the Deliverables - A Results Framework.
  • Creating a Set of Positive Results.

Day 3: Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
  • Resources for Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Monitoring: Collection of Data, Analysis, and Reporting.
  • The Role and Function of Risk Management in RBM.
  • Resources Required for Risk Management.
  • Contemporary Best Practices in Risk Management.

Day 4: Communicating and Coordinating Project Reporting

  • Building Solid Communication Channels Up and Down.
  • Developing the “Impact Statement”.
  • Defining and Communicating the Outputs.
  • Communication Breakdowns and How to Avoid Them.
  • Putting it All Together: Communicating Indicators of Change.
  • Off-site Mentoring on Results-based Planning and Reporting.

Day 5: Evaluating for Results

  • Why Evaluate? - Uses of Evaluation.
  • Principles, Norms, and Standards for Evaluation.
  • Roles and Responsibilities in Evaluation.
  • Requirements for Programme Teams.
  • Steps in the Evaluation Process.
  • Avoiding the Pitfalls of RBM.
  • Course Summary and Team Exercise.

Training Course: Result Based and Adaptive Management

Mastering Adaptive Management Principles: Drive Results Through Strategic Adaptation and Results-Based Management

REF: LM321620

DATES: 7 - 11 Apr 2025

CITY: Orlando, Florida (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

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