Training Course: Module in Litigation

REF: LD3254472

DATES: 21 Oct - 7 Nov 2024

CITY: Toronto (Canada)

FEE: 9999 £

All Dates & Locations


This intensive 3-week module in litigation is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills required for effective litigation practice. The course covers essential aspects of litigation, from pre-trial preparation to post-trial processes, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to handle complex legal disputes.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the foundational principles of litigation.
  • To develop practical skills in drafting pleadings, motions, and briefs.
  • To learn effective strategies for pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases.
  • To enhance oral advocacy and courtroom presentation skills.
  • To explore ethical considerations and professional responsibilities in litigation.

Course Outlines

Week 1: Pre-Trial Preparation

  • Day 1: Case Analysis and Strategy Development
    1. Understanding the Case Facts
    2. Legal Research and Case Law Analysis
    3. Developing Case Strategy
    4. Client Interviews and Statements
    5. Drafting Initial Pleadings


  • Day 2: Discovery Process
    1. Interrogatories and Requests for Production
    2. Depositions and Witness Preparation
    3. Handling Expert Witnesses
    4. Discovery Disputes and Motions
    5. E-Discovery and Digital Evidence


  • Day 3: Motion Practice
    1. Types of Motions
    2. Drafting and Filing Motions
    3. Oral Arguments on Motions
    4. Responses and Replies
    5. Motion Hearings


  • Day 4: Settlement Negotiations
    1. Evaluating Settlement Options
    2. Negotiation Techniques


    1. Mediation Processes
    2. Drafting Settlement Agreements
    3. Ethical Issues in Settlement


  • Day 5: Trial Preparation
    1. Trial Briefs and Memoranda
    2. Jury Selection and Voir Dire
    3. Pre-Trial Conferences
    4. Trial Exhibits and Evidence Preparation
    5. Mock Trials and Role-Playing Exercises

Week 2: Trial Proceedings

  • Day 1: Opening Statements
    1. Purpose and Structure of Opening Statements
    2. Crafting Persuasive Openings
    3. Delivering the Opening Statement
    4. Common Pitfalls to Avoid
    5. Practice and Feedback


  • Day 2: Examination of Witnesses
    1. Direct Examination Techniques
    2. Cross-Examination Strategies
    3. Handling Difficult Witnesses
    4. Use of Exhibits During Examination
    5. Witness Preparation and Coaching


  • Day 3: Presenting Evidence
    1. Rules of Evidence
    2. Admissibility of Evidence
    3. Objections and Responses
    4. Demonstrative Evidence and Visual Aids
    5. Real-Time Evidence Presentation


  • Day 4: Closing Arguments
    1. Structuring Effective Closings
    2. Summarizing Key Points
    3. Persuasive Techniques
    4. Rebuttals and Counterarguments
    5. Delivering the Closing Argument



  • Day 5: Jury Instructions and Deliberation
    1. Drafting Jury Instructions
    2. Legal Standards and Definitions
    3. Jury Deliberation Process
    4. Post-Verdict Motions
    5. Handling Jury Questions

Week 3: Post-Trial Processes

  • Day 1: Verdict and Judgment
    1. Understanding the Verdict
    2. Drafting Judgments and Orders
    3. Post-Verdict Motions
    4. Appeal Considerations
    5. Ethical Issues Post-Trial


  • Day 2: Appeals Process
    1. Grounds for Appeal
    2. Filing Notices of Appeal
    3. Drafting Appellate Briefs
    4. Oral Arguments in Appeals
    5. Post-Appeal Procedures


  • Day 3: Enforcement of Judgments
    1. Understanding Judgments and Orders
    2. Collection Methods
    3. Contempt Proceedings
    4. Asset Recovery
    5. International Enforcement


  • Day 4: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
    1. Overview of ADR Methods
    2. Arbitration Processes
    3. Mediation Techniques
    4. Negotiation Skills
    5. Settlement in ADR


  • Day 5: Professional Responsibility and Ethics
    1. Ethical Considerations in Litigation
    2. Conflict of Interest
    3. Confidentiality and Privilege
    4. Professional Misconduct
    5. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Requirements

Training Course: Module in Litigation

REF: LD3254472

DATES: 21 Oct - 7 Nov 2024

CITY: Toronto (Canada)

FEE: 9999 £

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