Training Course: Microsoft Excel – Beginner (Associate Level)

REF: IT3254518

DATES: 18 - 22 Nov 2024

CITY: Paris (France)

FEE: 5100 £

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Course Introduction

Welcome to the Microsoft Excel – Beginner Associate Level course! This advanced technical course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of both basic and advanced Excel skills. Throughout this program, you will focus on utilizing Excel as a powerful tool for data analysis, project management, and reporting, enabling you to enhance your productivity and achieve measurable results in various professional environments. Over five days, you will learn how to leverage advanced Excel features such as PivotTables, complex functions, and graphical analysis to facilitate data-driven decision-making. By the end of this course, you will have the capability to use Excel strategically in any field of work.

Course Objectives

  • Master the Advanced Excel Interface: Familiarize yourself with advanced user interface elements to facilitate data analysis.
  • Analyze Large Datasets: Learn how to efficiently organize and process large datasets using tools like PivotTables.
  • Apply Complex Functions: Gain proficiency in using functions such as VLOOKUP, IF, SUMIF, and INDEX-MATCH to enhance analytical capabilities.
  • Create Interactive Dashboards: Learn how to design and customize visual dashboards that include charts and dynamic tables.
  • Explore Advanced Data Analysis Tools: Utilize tools like Power Query and What-If Analysis to enhance decision-making and streamline processes.

Course Outline

Day 1: Comprehensive Introduction to Advanced Excel

  • Exploring Practical Applications of Excel: Understanding how Excel is used in finance, marketing, and operations.
  • Navigating the Advanced Excel Interface: Familiarizing yourself with the ribbon and available tools to improve productivity.
  • Creating and Managing Complex Workbooks: Learning how to create multi-sheet workbooks and organize them efficiently.
  • Efficient Data Entry Techniques: Strategies for advanced data entry, including data validation.
  • Handling Large Data Sets: Techniques for optimizing performance when working with large datasets.

Day 2: Formatting Techniques and Data Analysis

  • Advanced Formatting: Using advanced conditional formatting to analyze and interact with data.
  • Advanced Data Management: Techniques for sorting and filtering to manage data effectively.
  • Creating Advanced Analytical Reports: Strategies for formatting data in ways that enhance readability.
  • Dynamic Table Formatting: Using dynamic tables for flexible data analysis and reporting.
  • Performance Optimization Training: How to improve Excel performance when working with large datasets.

Day 3: Utilizing Complex Functions

  • Understanding Advanced Functions: Learning how to use complex functions such as VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.
  • Applying Nested IF Functions: Strategies for using IF with other functions to analyze data.
  • Using Advanced Conditional Functions: How to use SUMIF and COUNTIF to analyze data based on specific criteria.
  • Exploring INDEX-MATCH: Understanding how to use INDEX-MATCH as a more flexible alternative to VLOOKUP.
  • Error Correction in Functions: How to identify and fix common function errors.

Day 4: Creating Advanced Charts

  • Developing Chart Creation Skills: How to design complex charts to illustrate data.
  • Customizing Charts: Using advanced chart elements to make them more interactive and professional.
  • Combining Charts: Strategies for merging multiple chart types into a single presentation.
  • Creating Dynamic Charts: Learning how to create charts that respond to data changes.
  • Analyzing Data Through Charts: How to use charts for quick insights into the data.

Day 5: Advanced Data Analysis Tools

  • Introduction to Power Query: How to use Power Query to import and analyze data from multiple sources.
  • Using PivotTables: Creating and customizing PivotTables for efficient data analysis.
  • Analysis Using What-If: How to utilize What-If tools for analyzing different scenarios.
  • Creating Interactive Dashboards: Designing professional dashboards that include charts and dynamic tables.
  • Reporting and Presenting Results: How to present results in a professional manner to teams or management.

Training Course: Microsoft Excel – Beginner (Associate Level)

REF: IT3254518

DATES: 18 - 22 Nov 2024

CITY: Paris (France)

FEE: 5100 £

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