Training Course: Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management

The Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management course is designed to provide participants with the most modern and advanced techniques and strategies for safeguarding sensitive premises and effectively managing emergencies.

REF: HS3254391

DATES: 22 - 26 Jul 2024

CITY: London (UK)

FEE: 5200 £

All Dates & Locations


The Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management course is designed to provide participants with the most modern and advanced techniques and strategies for safeguarding sensitive premises and effectively managing emergencies. This comprehensive course will equip attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess threats, implement security measures, and respond to emergencies in a proactive and efficient manner.



  • Understand the concept of sensitive premises and the importance of protecting them from potential threats.
  • Gain knowledge of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in sensitive premises protection and emergency management.
  • Develop the skills to conduct threat assessments and vulnerability analyses for different types of sensitive premises.
  • Learn how to design and implement effective security measures to mitigate risks and safeguard sensitive premises.
  • Acquire the ability to formulate emergency response plans and protocols that ensure the safety of personnel and assets.
  • Familiarize themselves with the principles of crisis communication and media management during emergency situations.
  • Gain insights into the legal and ethical considerations associated with sensitive premises protection and emergency management.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management

  • Defining sensitive premises and their significance
  • Current challenges and emerging trends in security and emergency management
  • Understanding the role of stakeholders in sensitive premises protection

Day 2

 Threat Assessments and Vulnerability Analyses

  • Conducting threat assessments for different types of sensitive premises
  • Identifying vulnerabilities and critical assets
  • Utilizing risk assessment methodologies and tools

Day 3

 Security Measures and Technologies

  • Designing physical security systems for sensitive premises
  • Access control and surveillance technologies
  • Intrusion detection and alarm systems

Day 4

 Emergency Response Planning and Protocols

  • Developing emergency response plans tailored to sensitive premises
  • Establishing incident command systems
  • Coordinating with external emergency response agencies

Day 5

 Crisis Communication and Legal Considerations

  • Effective communication strategies during emergencies
  • Media management and public relations
  • Legal and ethical considerations in sensitive premises protection and emergency management

Training Course: Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management

The Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management course is designed to provide participants with the most modern and advanced techniques and strategies for safeguarding sensitive premises and effectively managing emergencies.

REF: HS3254391

DATES: 22 - 26 Jul 2024

CITY: London (UK)

FEE: 5200 £

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