Training Course: Insurance debt collection management

The course is designed to provide insurance professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and recover outstanding debts within the insurance industry

REF: FA3254151

DATES: 25 - 29 Nov 2024

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

All Dates & Locations


The "Insurance Debt Collection Management" course is designed to provide insurance professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and recover outstanding debts within the insurance industry. Debt collection is a critical aspect of maintaining a healthy financial portfolio and ensuring the sustainability of insurance operations. In this course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of debt collection principles, strategies, and legal considerations specific to the insurance sector. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and case studies, this course will empower participants to become proficient in insurance debt collection.


  • Understand the importance of debt collection within the insurance industry.

  • Comprehend the legal and regulatory framework governing debt collection in the insurance sector.

  • Develop effective debt collection strategies to minimize financial losses.

  • Master the techniques of effective communication and negotiation for debt recovery.

  • Create a streamlined debt collection process that is efficient and compliant.

  • Handle challenging debt collection scenarios, including disputes and customer relations.

  • Improve the financial health of insurance organizations by reducing outstanding debts and improving cash flow.


Course Outlines

Day 1

 Introduction to Insurance Debt Collection

  • Understanding the role and significance of debt collection in insurance.
  • Legal and ethical considerations in insurance debt collection.
  • Overview of regulatory requirements and compliance.

Day 2

Debt Collection Strategies in Insurance

  • Developing effective debt collection strategies and policies.
  • Segmenting and prioritizing debtors based on risk and potential recovery.
  • Creating a debtor profile and assessing their ability to pay.

Day 3

 Communication and Negotiation Techniques

  • Effective communication for debt recovery.
  • Negotiation skills for reaching mutually beneficial agreements.
  • Handling difficult and uncooperative debtors.

Day 4

 Legal Aspects of Debt Collection in Insurance

  • Insurance contracts and debt collection rights.
  • Understanding the legal framework for insurance debt collection.
  • Debt collection agencies and their role in insurance.

Day 5

 Streamlining Debt Collection Processes

  • Designing efficient debt collection workflows.
  • Utilizing technology and software for improved debt recovery.
  • Monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of debt collection efforts.

Training Course: Insurance debt collection management

The course is designed to provide insurance professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and recover outstanding debts within the insurance industry

REF: FA3254151

DATES: 25 - 29 Nov 2024

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

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