Training Course: IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 for Cacao Beans Purchase and Sales

The advanced course on IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 for cacao beans purchase and sales is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the most modern and cutting-edge concepts in financial reporting and accounting standards, specifically tailored to the cacao beans industry

REF: FA3254235

DATES: 31 Mar - 11 Apr 2025

CITY: Cape Town (South Africa)

FEE: 6600 £

All Dates & Locations


The advanced course on IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 for cacao beans purchase and sales is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the most modern and cutting-edge concepts in financial reporting and accounting standards, specifically tailored to the cacao beans industry. This course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9, Expected Credit Loss (ECL) modelling, and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 19 within the context of cacao beans purchase and sales.



  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of IFRS 9 and its application to cacao bean purchase and sales.
  • Master advanced techniques for ECL modelling and credit risk assessment within the cacao beans industry.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of IAS 19 and its implications for employee benefits and pensions in the context of cacao bean purchase and sales.
  • Learn advanced financial reporting techniques, including presentation and disclosure requirements specific to the cacao beans industry.
  • Apply learned concepts through practical case studies and real-world examples.

Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction and Overview

  • Overview of the course objectives, structure, and methodology
  • Current trends and challenges in financial reporting for the cacao beans industry
  • Key regulatory frameworks and standards impacting cacao bean purchase and sales

Day 2

 IFRS 9: Classification and Measurement

  • Comprehensive review of IFRS 9 and its application to cacao bean purchase and sales
  • Classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities related to cacao beans
  • Fair value measurement techniques and considerations

Day 3

 IFRS 9: Impairment Model and ECL Modeling

  • Detailed exploration of the IFRS 9 impairment model
  • Expected Credit Loss (ECL) modelling and its application to credit risk assessment in the cacao beans industry
  • Advanced ECL modelling techniques and best practices

Day 4

 IAS 19: Employee Benefits and Pensions

  • In-depth analysis of IAS 19 and its relevance to employee benefits and pensions in the cacao beans industry
  • Measurement and recognition of employee benefits obligations
  • Actuarial assumptions, methods, and their impact on financial statements

Day 5

 Advanced Topics in Employee Benefits Accounting

  • Advanced issues in employee benefits accounting for cacao bean purchase and sales
  • Post-employment benefits, termination benefits, and other related topics
  • Case studies and practical exercises on employee benefits accounting

Day 6

 Advanced Financial Reporting for Cacao Beans Purchase and Sales

  • Presentation and disclosure requirements specific to the cacao bean industry
  • Revenue recognition for cacao bean sales contracts
  • Fair value measurement for cacao beans purchase and sales transactions

Day 7

 Case Studies: Applying IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 in Cacao Beans Industry

  • Analyzing real-life scenarios and case studies in cacao beans purchase and sales
  • Applying IFRS 9 principles and ECL modelling techniques to assess credit risk
  • Addressing employee benefits and pension accounting challenges in the cacao beans industry

Day 8

 Group Projects and Practical Applications

  • Collaborative group projects to apply the acquired knowledge and skills
  • Working in teams to develop comprehensive financial reports for cacao bean purchases and sales
  • Evaluating and presenting the findings of the group projects
  • Feedback, discussion, and refinement of the group projects

Day 9

 Case Studies: Applying IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 in the Cacao Beans Industry

  • Analyzing real-life scenarios and case studies in the context of cacao bean purchase and sales
  • Applying the principles and concepts of IFRS 9, ECL modelling, and IAS 19
  • Assessing credit risk and making impairment provisions based on ECL modelling techniques
  • Addressing employee benefits and pension accounting challenges specific to the cacao beans industry

Day 10

 Advanced Financial Reporting for Cacao Beans Purchase and Sales

  • Presentation and disclosure requirements specific to the cacao beans industry
  • Advanced revenue recognition principles for cacao bean sales contracts
  • Fair value measurement techniques for cacao bean purchase and sales transactions
  • Examining practical challenges and best practices in financial reporting for cacao bean purchase and sales
  • Recapitulation of key learnings from the entire course

Training Course: IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 for Cacao Beans Purchase and Sales

The advanced course on IFRS 9, ECL Modeling, and IAS 19 for cacao beans purchase and sales is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the most modern and cutting-edge concepts in financial reporting and accounting standards, specifically tailored to the cacao beans industry

REF: FA3254235

DATES: 31 Mar - 11 Apr 2025

CITY: Cape Town (South Africa)

FEE: 6600 £

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