Training Course: Enhancing Manpower Planning & Training Management

Walk your employees from manpower planning till you get them well-trained for the job!

REF: HR3007

DATES: 28 Apr - 2 May 2025

CITY: Edinburgh (UK)

FEE: 4700 £

All Dates & Locations


Manpower Planning is now a critical factor in the longer-term ability of International businesses to compete globally. It is now seen as a key business requirement, organizations must have a clear strategy, to support the Manpower Planning process, we will discuss a number of real-life strategies and approaches. Just like to verses of poetry, to make manpower planning more successful, you should team it up with training. The stronger the link the better the effect.

Course Objectives of Improving Manpower Planning and Training Management

  • Consider a number of strategic models for manpower planning
  • Master and be able to use methods to explore predictive trends.
  • Develop business techniques in order to manage the manpower planning process
  • Plan and implement action plans for self and individuals/managers involved in the Manpower Planning process
  • Relate all the above mentioned to managing the training function in an organization


Improving Manpower Planning and Training Management Course Outlines

Day 1

The dynamic role of manpower planning vis-à-vis Training Management

  • Introductions, programmed, objectives, and ways of working
  • HR models and how to satisfy potential future organizational structures
  • The growing business importance of HR manpower planning (HRMP)
  • The changing shape of organizations and work requirements – the effects on today’s organization
  • Trends – right-sizing; what’s appropriate – use of decision-making tools and examples
  • The four main areas of manpower planning – Strategic focus, Data and analysis, manpower planning, and people development including a case study

Day 2

The strategic focus on manpower planning from first principals

  • The new HR strategic map
  • How to use a strategic template – exercise and case study
  • Measuring organizational maturity – a trigger for manpower planning activities – exercise
  • Converting strategy into workable plans, the collection, and analysis of business data to trigger appropriate action
  • Techniques for delivering on time and on budget

Day 3

Manpower, forecasting, trend analysis, and Training planning

  • Understanding trends – examples and exercise
  • Use of predictive software to support the supply of manpower
  • How to measure relationships and understand results – exercises
  • The need for using unit costs – exercise
  • Individual measurements, exactly how competencies are structured
  • Managing expectations and individual’s needs
  • Measuring and forecasting individual’s performance using behavioral techniques

Day 4

Manpower supply – Business planning and manpower re-engineering

  • Selecting the “right” principal for manpower supply
  • Consider the three approaches to succession planning
  • The use of pre-selection for key posts – the role of psychometric testing, emotional intelligence assessment centers, agreements, and visual development maps
  • Business review – why manpower planning should be considered and where it has an impact
  • Explore the linkages and interrelation with training

Day 5

Making the Manpower planning process fit together to maximize results

  • The use of management tools and techniques to achieve maximum effect
  • Why performance appraisals on their own don’t work for selection into development pools
  • Three approaches, talent pool, individual selection, and headhunting
  • The cooperation needed in order to achieve the business benefits
  • How the whole manpower planning process should ‘fit’ together with HR & Training function

Training Course: Enhancing Manpower Planning & Training Management

Walk your employees from manpower planning till you get them well-trained for the job!

REF: HR3007

DATES: 28 Apr - 2 May 2025

CITY: Edinburgh (UK)

FEE: 4700 £

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