REF: IT321726
DATES: 8 - 12 Dec 2025
CITY: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
FEE: 4900 £
All Dates & LocationsAn archive is a collection of documents, regardless of their date, form, or material container, produced or received by governmental or private agencies, which are kept by their creators or holders. The archive is preserved because it includes information that benefits decision-makers, helps in historical and scientific research in all fields, and preserves institutions' and individuals' intellectual and material property rights. This course is designed to provide participants with sound scientific foundations and standards for preserving and managing traditional and electronic archives, switching from traditional to electronic archives, and training on modern smart applications in archives.
Best practices of digital systems
Organizing electronic documents
Using databases in designing an electronic archiving system
Archive management problems in the electronic age and the security of information systems