REF: OG321585
DATES: 15 - 19 Feb 2026
CITY: Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
FEE: 4400 £
All Dates & LocationsThis comprehensive Decision Analysis course explores lean thinking and techniques for decision-making with an emphasis on responsiveness to customer requirements. Decision analysis is a critical human activity that we perform both consciously and unconsciously. It is vital for survival and success in every professional field. In business, decision-making isn't just about selecting the best alternative; it often involves prioritizing alternatives for resource allocation, examining the impact of changes, and determining the optimal course of action.
Throughout this program, we will dive into decision analysis techniques that aid in effective decision-making, particularly in maintenance and operational contexts. By applying these methods, participants can enhance operational efficiency and optimize maintenance decision-making processes.
Scope and significance of decisions: Understanding the role of decisions in driving operational success.
The decision-making process: Key steps in making informed decisions.
Choosing between options by projecting likely outcomes.
Decision tree analysis: Models for low-probability, high-consequence events; valuing additional information and control.
Monte Carlo simulation: A technique for optimization with advantages and limitations.
Implementing multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA): Approaches for evaluating different alternatives.
Definition of decision analysis: What is decision analysis and why is it crucial?
Common problems with traditional decision-making methods.
Guidelines for good decision analysis to ensure better outcomes.
Introduction to AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process): A structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions.
The comparative matrix: A key component in the AHP methodology.
Consistency analysis: Ensuring reliable and consistent decision-making.
Sensitivity analysis: Assessing the robustness of your decisions.
Benefit/cost analysis: Balancing the costs and benefits of different options.
Applications of AHP: Real-life cases like the Concorde project and maintenance strategies.
Risk management through Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA): Identifying potential failures and their consequences.
Fault tree analysis: A method for analyzing risks.
Risk priority number: Ranking risks based on their likelihood and impact.
What is ERP and its evolution: A system that integrates core business processes.
What is MRP (Material Requirements Planning) and how it relates to ERP.
MRPII System: Extending MRP to include more comprehensive planning.
Scope of decisions: Making better decisions through ERP systems.
Optimum performance measure: How to measure and achieve peak performance using MRP and ERP.
Challenges of performance measures in operational efficiency.
Performance measures as a continuous improvement process: Ensuring ongoing improvement.
Desirable features in maintenance performance measures: Identifying key metrics.
By the end of the Decision Analysis and Maintenance Optimization Course, you will have gained the expertise to make better, more informed decisions in every area of maintenance management. With a thorough understanding of decision analysis techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulation, AHP, and FMEA, you will be equipped to optimize maintenance activities and improve operational efficiency.
This course is designed for professionals who want to enhance their decision-making skills and transform data into actionable decisions, leading to improved outcomes in maintenance and overall asset management. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your career and your organization’s performance with this advanced decision analysis training.