Training Course: Collections On Defaulted Loans

a comprehensive training program designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of collections strategies and practices for defaulted loans

REF: FA3254198

DATES: 21 - 25 Oct 2024

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

All Dates & Locations


Welcome to the Collections on Defaulted Loans Course, a comprehensive training program designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of collections strategies and practices for defaulted loans. Managing defaulted loans is a critical aspect of the financial industry, and this course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively navigate the complexities of collections, minimize risks, and optimize recovery strategies.



  • Develop a foundational understanding of defaulted loans: Gain insights into the reasons behind loan defaults, the impact on financial institutions, and the importance of an effective collections process.

  • Master collections strategies and techniques: Explore proven methodologies for managing and recovering defaulted loans. Understand the legal and ethical considerations involved in collections activities.

  • Enhance negotiation and communication skills: Develop effective communication strategies for interacting with borrowers in default. Learn negotiation techniques that aim for successful repayment plans while maintaining a positive customer relationship.

  • Understand regulatory and compliance requirements: Familiarize yourself with the legal and regulatory frameworks governing collections on defaulted loans. Stay updated on industry best practices to ensure compliance and ethical conduct.

  • Implement data-driven collections approaches: Learn how to analyze and leverage data to prioritize collections efforts. Understand the role of technology in enhancing efficiency and accuracy in the collections process.


Course Outlines

Day 1

Introduction to Defaulted Loans and Collections

  • Understanding loan defaults: causes and consequences
  • Importance of a robust collections process
  • Overview of the collections life cycle

Day 2

Collections Strategies and Techniques

  • Developing effective collections strategies
  • Best practices in managing defaulted loans
  • Legal and ethical considerations in collections

Day 3

Negotiation and Communication Skills

  • Effective communication in collections
  • Negotiation techniques for repayment plans
  • Building positive customer relationships

Day 4

Regulatory and Compliance Requirements

  • Legal frameworks in collections
  • Compliance considerations in collections
  • Industry best practices

Day 5

Data-Driven Collections Approaches

  • Analyzing and leveraging data for collections
  • Technology in collections management
  • Case studies and practical applications

Training Course: Collections On Defaulted Loans

a comprehensive training program designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of collections strategies and practices for defaulted loans

REF: FA3254198

DATES: 21 - 25 Oct 2024

CITY: Orlando (USA)

FEE: 5700 £

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BlackBird Training Center