Training Course: Advanced Web Map Preparation

The Advanced Web Map Preparation course is designed to expand upon the knowledge gained in the Advanced Geospatial Analysis course by focusing specifically on creating interactive and dynamic web maps using modern web mapping technologies.

REF: IT3254380

DATES: 23 - 27 Jun 2024

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

All Dates & Locations


The Advanced Web Map Preparation course is designed to expand upon the knowledge gained in the Advanced Geospatial Analysis course by focusing specifically on creating interactive and dynamic web maps using modern web mapping technologies. Participants will learn how to leverage their geospatial analysis skills to design and develop web maps that are visually appealing, interactive, and capable of delivering valuable insights to a wider audience through the internet.



  • To introduce participants to web mapping technologies and frameworks.
  • To familiarize participants with the process of designing and developing interactive web maps.
  • To provide hands-on experience in integrating geospatial data analysis results into web mapping applications.
  • To enable participants to create dynamic and responsive web maps that can be shared and accessed online.
  • To introduce participants to the principles of responsive web design for ensuring optimal viewing experiences across various devices and screen sizes.
  • To explore techniques for optimizing web map performance, including data streaming, caching, and minimizing load times.
  • To provide guidance on integrating web maps with other web technologies such as geolocation APIs, data visualization libraries, and content management systems (CMS) for enhanced functionality and interactivity.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Web Mapping Technologies

  • Overview of web mapping frameworks (e.g., Leaflet, Mapbox, Google Maps API)
  • Introduction to JavaScript and HTML/CSS for web mapping
  • Understanding spatial data formats for web mapping (GeoJSON, TopoJSON, etc.)
  • Exploring web map design principles and best practices

Day 2

 Building Interactive Web Maps

  • Setting up a development environment for web mapping
  • Creating basic interactive maps using Leaflet.js
  • Adding layers and markers to the map
  • Implementing user interactions such as zooming, panning, and popup windows

Day 3

 Advanced Web Mapping Techniques

  • Incorporating geospatial data analysis results into web maps
  • Visualizing raster data (e.g., DEMs) on web maps using WebGL or tilesets
  • Implementing advanced features like clustering, heatmaps, and animated overlays
  • Introduction to responsive design for web maps

Day 4

 Customizing and Styling Web Maps

  • Customizing map styles and base maps
  • Using Mapbox Studio or similar tools to create custom map styles
  • Incorporating external data sources (e.g., APIs, databases) into web maps
  • Exploring techniques for thematic mapping and data visualization on the web

Day 5

 Deploying and Sharing Web Maps

  • Hosting web maps online using platforms like GitHub Pages or Heroku
  • Integrating web maps into websites and web applications
  • Implementing security measures and access controls for web maps
  • Strategies for promoting and sharing web maps with stakeholders and the public

Training Course: Advanced Web Map Preparation

The Advanced Web Map Preparation course is designed to expand upon the knowledge gained in the Advanced Geospatial Analysis course by focusing specifically on creating interactive and dynamic web maps using modern web mapping technologies.

REF: IT3254380

DATES: 23 - 27 Jun 2024

CITY: Istanbul (Turkey)

FEE: 4400 £

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