Training Course: Advanced Interpersonal Skills Training

The Advanced Interpersonal Skills Training course is designed to provide participants with the latest techniques and strategies for enhancing their interpersonal skills in professional and personal settings

REF: PS3254241

DATES: 9 - 13 Feb 2025

CITY: Manama (Bahrain)

FEE: 3900 £

All Dates & Locations


The Advanced Interpersonal Skills Training course is designed to provide participants with the latest techniques and strategies for enhancing their interpersonal skills in professional and personal settings. By building upon foundational interpersonal skills, this course will enable participants to navigate complex social dynamics, build stronger relationships, and achieve greater success in their interactions with others. This five-day course combines theoretical knowledge with practical exercises and interactive discussions to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.



  • Develop a deep understanding of interpersonal skills and their significance in various contexts.
  • Explore advanced techniques for effective communication, active listening, and assertiveness.
  • Enhance emotional intelligence to better understand and manage emotions in oneself and others.
  • Master conflict resolution strategies to promote positive outcomes and build constructive relationships.
  • Cultivate empathy and cultural sensitivity to navigate diverse social and cultural environments.
  • Build influential networking skills to establish and maintain meaningful professional connections.
  • Develop strategies for giving and receiving constructive feedback to promote personal and professional growth.
  • Learn techniques for managing difficult conversations and handling challenging personalities.
  • Boost self-confidence and self-awareness to project a positive and authentic image.
  • Create a personal action plan for continued development of interpersonal skills beyond the course.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Foundations of Interpersonal Skills

  • Introduction to interpersonal skills and their importance
  • Models and theories of interpersonal communication
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
  • Building rapport and establishing trust

Day 2

 Advanced Communication Strategies

  • Effective listening skills and empathetic communication
  • Non-violent communication techniques
  • Influencing and persuasion skills
  • Enhancing assertiveness and dealing with passive-aggressive behaviors

Day 3

 Emotional Intelligence and Self-awareness

  • Understanding emotional intelligence and its components
  • Self-awareness and self-regulation techniques
  • Managing and expressing emotions constructively
  • Developing empathy and understanding others' emotions

Day 4

 Conflict Resolution and Difficult Conversations

  • Conflict resolution strategies and negotiation techniques
  • Managing difficult conversations with tact and diplomacy
  • Dealing with resistance and defensiveness
  • Finding win-win solutions

Day 5

 Cultural Sensitivity and Professional Networking

  • Cultural intelligence and cross-cultural communication
  • Navigating diversity and inclusivity in interpersonal relationships
  • Effective networking strategies for professional success
  • Giving and receiving feedback for growth and development

Training Course: Advanced Interpersonal Skills Training

The Advanced Interpersonal Skills Training course is designed to provide participants with the latest techniques and strategies for enhancing their interpersonal skills in professional and personal settings

REF: PS3254241

DATES: 9 - 13 Feb 2025

CITY: Manama (Bahrain)

FEE: 3900 £

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BlackBird Training Center