Sustainable Finance Management

The Advanced Sustainable Finance Management course is a comprehensive program designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the field of sustainable finance


The Advanced Sustainable Finance Management course is a comprehensive program designed to provide participants with the latest knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the field of sustainable finance. This course delves into the most modern and advanced concepts, strategies, and tools used in sustainable finance management. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the key principles, frameworks, and best practices shaping the industry today.


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Sustainable Finance

Day 2

 Advanced Sustainable Investment Strategies

Day 3

 Sustainable Risk Management

Day 4

 Sustainable Corporate Finance

Day 5

 Sustainable Financial Products and Services

Day 6

 Sustainable Wealth Management

Day 7

 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Finance

Day 8

 Climate Finance and Carbon Markets

Day 9

 Ethical and Socially Responsible Investing

Day 10

 Sustainable Financial Reporting and Disclosures


  • All
  • Mar 2025
  • Jun 2025
  • Amsterdam (Netherlands)