Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) is a strategic approach to managing relationships with suppliers to optimize the value of those relationships and achieve business objectives.


Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) is a strategic approach to managing relationships with suppliers to optimize the value of those relationships and achieve business objectives. In today's complex global business environment, effective SRM is crucial for organizations to gain a competitive edge, enhance innovation, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable growth. This advanced course is designed to equip participants with the latest tools, techniques, and strategies in SRM to maximize the benefits of supplier partnerships.




Course Outline

Day 1

 Foundations of SRM

Day 2

 Supplier Segmentation and Categorization

Day 3

 Collaboration and Trust Building

Day 4

 Performance Management and Risk Mitigation

Day 5

 Negotiation and Sustainability in SRM


  • All
  • Dec 2024
  • Barcelona (Spain)