Leadership & Strategic Management


Today's leaders face greater responsibility amidst increasing uncertainty. They need strategies to navigate their business through obstacles toward success. This Leadership & Strategic Management Training Course guides leaders in making smart decisions about business strategies, succession planning, and human capital utilization to nurture their business.

The course focuses on strategic management, developing skills in strategic thinking, and effective leadership strategies to support strategic planning.

Course Objectives

  • Differentiate between leadership, management, influence, and power.
  • Understand the leader’s role in implementing change.
  • Examine their personality and behaviors to enhance self-awareness.
  • Review leadership styles and practice – identifying overlaps and differences.
  • Harness the team’s ability to innovate.
  • Develop and motivate the team for optimum performance.
  • Evaluate how leaders impact culture and climate.
  • Understand how leaders navigate change, strategy, and innovation.
  • Understand and harness cultural differences.

Course Outline

Day 1
Strategic Leadership
  • What is strategic leadership?
  • Why do we need strategic leaders?
  • The modern business environment.
  • What does a strategic leader do?
  • Leadership and personal effectiveness.
  • Leadership and its context.
  • Self-perception and self-awareness.
  • Personality, values & behavior.
  • Personal transformation.
  • Path dependency.
  • Personal style & style flexibility.
Day 2
Leadership Development
  • What is leadership development?
  • Why bother?
  • Organizational factors.
  • Leadership and competencies.
  • How are leaders developed?
  • The evolution of strategic planning and strategic thinking.
  • Strategic thinking in business.
  • Different conceptual frameworks for strategic thinking.
  • Commonalities between different approaches to developing and implementing a strategy.
  • Articulate your current strategic conceptual framework.
  • Core Leadership Competencies.
  • Leader or manager?
  • Influence, authority, and power.
  • Emotions, mood & disposition.
  • Rapport-building.
  • Communication and its leadership part.
  • Goal congruence and alignment.
Day 3
Leadership and Change
  • History of change.
  • Vision.
  • Different approaches to change.
  • Models of the change process.
  • Individual reaction to change.
  • Politics of change.
  • Belbin's approach.
  • Margerison-McCann team management wheel.
  • Time or phase-based models.
  • Team mental model.
  • Distributed leadership.
  • Cultural Differences & Leadership.
    • Definitions of culture.
    • Corporate, team, and national culture.
    • Norms, rules, and cultures.
    • When cultures clash: leadership responses.
    • Harnessing cultural differences for innovation.
    • Learning from different cultures.
Day 4
Strategies for Growth, Profitability & Value Creation
  • Growth vs. profitability in public and private sector organizations.
  • Key factors that differentiate strategic success vs. failure.
  • Action plans for strategic initiatives and performance management.
  • Achievement of strategic initiatives with changes.
  • Drivers for strategic change.
  • Using insights from past experiences to support strategic change.
  • Engaging your organization in strategic thinking.
  • Ask strategic questions: align your work to the organization’s strategic initiatives.
  • Formulate strategic hypotheses.
  • Explore futuristic strategic conversations.
  • How a leader uses communication to gain influence.
  • Building your story and personal charisma.
  • The science of influence and how to use it.
  • Advanced rapport, language, and communication skills.
  • How do you win friends and influence people above you?
  • Case study: Building stakeholder engagement.
Day 5
How a Leader Influences People Through Motivation
  • The motivating leader for a ‘millennial’ workforce.
  • The science to motivate yourself and others.
  • Expectancy theory and how an effective leader creates an environment for self-motivation.
  • Personal roadmap to leadership.
  • Defining effective leadership in Today's world.
  • The challenge to lead in today’s modern organization.
  • Lessons learned from today’s leaders.
  • Leadership styles in modern organizations.
  • Case study: Leaders eat last.
  • Self-assessment: Leadership behaviors
Day 6
Advanced Leadership Skills
  • Advanced communication techniques.
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation skills.
  • Emotional intelligence in leadership.
  • Building resilience and managing stress.
  • Coaching and mentoring skills.
  • Decision-making and problem-solving strategies.
  • Fostering a culture of accountability and ownership.
Day 7
Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Strategic planning process.
  • Setting vision, mission, and goals.
  • SWOT analysis and environmental scanning.
  • Formulating strategic objectives and initiatives.
  • Aligning resources with strategic priorities.
  • Implementing and monitoring strategic plans.
  • Evaluating and adjusting strategies.
  • Case study: Successful strategic plan implementation.
Day 8
Innovation and Creativity in Leadership
  • The role of innovation in strategic leadership.
  • Creating a culture of innovation.
  • Encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Managing innovation projects.
  • Overcoming barriers to innovation.
  • Leveraging technology and digital transformation.
  • Case study: Innovation success stories.
Day 9
Navigating Organizational Change
  • Leading through organizational change.
  • Change management frameworks and models.
  • Communicating change effectively.
  • Engaging stakeholders in the change process.
  • Managing resistance to change.
  • Sustaining change and continuous improvement.
  • Case study: Successful change management.
Day 10
Leadership Impact and Legacy
  • Reflecting on leadership journey and impact.
  • Building a leadership legacy.
  • Developing future leaders.
  • Succession planning and talent management.
  • Ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility.
  • Creating a sustainable and inclusive leadership approach.
  • Personal action plan and commitment to growth.
  • Course wrap-up and reflections.




  • All
  • Oct 2024
  • Paris (France)