Contract Management & Legal Drafting

Learn what you need for drafting a contract and the key clauses


This training course covers the three stages of contracting; negotiating the ‘deal’; drafting and documenting that deal in a robust, but practical way, drafting different legal letters, and managing the performance of the contract itself. This training course will help participants to have an awareness of practices in other areas and other industries, which can add significant value to their own situations. Moreover, the training course will also give an opportunity to consider matters from the perspective of the other party to a contract


Course Objectives of Contract Management & Legal Drafting


Course Outlines of Contract Management & Legal Drafting

Day 1

What is the “deal” behind the contract, and how do you get there?

Day 2

Negotiating and Drafting Contracts

Day 3

Legal Drafting for organizations & factories

Day 4

The preliminary documents- using Heads of Terms effectively

Day 5

Plain English in Legal Correspondence

Day 6

Legal Writing Troubleshooting for insurance and other sectors

Day 7

Misuse of the preposition in dates

Day 8

Drafting Specific Clauses in Production & Services

Day 9

Effective Contracts Management

Day 10

Dealing with Disputes


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