The Manager as a Strategic Leader

Welcome to "The Manager as a Strategic Leader" course, where traditional management meets cutting-edge leadership strategies.


Welcome to "The Manager as a Strategic Leader" course, where traditional management meets cutting-edge leadership strategies. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, managers are expected to do more than just oversee operations; they are tasked with charting a course for their organizations through uncertainty and complexity. This course is designed for forward-thinking professionals who aspire to elevate their managerial roles into strategic leadership positions. Through a blend of theory, case studies, and interactive exercises, participants will embark on a transformative journey to unlock their full potential as strategic leaders in the modern business world.




Course Outlines

Day 1

 Foundations of Strategic Leadership

Day 2

 Visionary Leadership in a Digital Age

Day 3

 Adaptive Leadership and Change Management

Day 4

 Building High-Performing Teams

Day 5

 Driving Sustainable Growth and Impact


  • All
  • Jul 2024
  • Milan (Italy)