The Complete Program of Defence Procurement Management

The "Complete Program of Defence Procurement Management" is a comprehensive course that aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the entire lifecycle of defence procurement


The "Complete Program of Defence Procurement Management" is a comprehensive course that aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the entire lifecycle of defence procurement. This course covers essential concepts, strategies, and best practices required for effective management of defence procurement programs. Participants will gain extensive knowledge and skills to successfully navigate the complexities of defence procurement, from initial planning to contract management and beyond.




Course Outline

Week 1

 Introduction to Defence Procurement Management

 Defence Procurement Planning and Strategy

 Defence Procurement Processes and Procedures

 Contract Management and Performance Evaluation

 Risk Management in Defence Procurement

Week 2

 Defence Acquisition Project Management

 International Defence Procurement and Collaborations

 Defence Procurement Performance Measurement and Analytics

 Emerging Trends and Technologies in Defence Procurement

 Defence Procurement Ethics and Compliance

Week 3

 Defence Procurement Negotiations and Contracting Strategies

 Defence Procurement Financial Management

 Defence Procurement Supply Chain Management

 Defence Procurement Contract Disputes and Claims

 Defence Procurement Innovation and Technology Adoption

Week 4

 Defence Procurement Performance-Based Logistics

 Defence Procurement Contracts and Industrial Cooperation

 Defence Procurement Project Risk Management

 Defence Procurement Cybersecurity and Data Protection

 Case Studies and Best Practices in Defence Procurement


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