System and Server Support

In today's digital landscape, the backbone of any organization's IT infrastructure lies in its systems and servers.


In today's digital landscape, the backbone of any organization's IT infrastructure lies in its systems and servers. These critical components not only support day-to-day operations but also ensure the security, reliability, and efficiency of an organization's digital ecosystem. To navigate the complexities of system and server support effectively, professionals require a deep understanding of advanced concepts, modern technologies, and best practices.




Course Outlines

Day 1

 Fundamentals of System Architecture

Day 2

 Operating System Fundamentals

Day 3

 Advanced Networking Concepts

Day 4

 Server Infrastructure Management

Day 5

 Automation and DevOps Practices

Day 6

 Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Day 7

 Cybersecurity Best Practices

Day 8

 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Day 9

 Practical Exercises and Case Studies

Day 10

 Final Project and Assessment


  • All
  • Jun 2025
  • xJakarta (Indonesia)