Secretarial Excellence: Mastering Modern Office Skills

In the contemporary business landscape, the role of a secretary has transformed into a vital position that encompasses a wide array of administrative responsibilities.


In the contemporary business landscape, the role of a secretary has transformed into a vital position that encompasses a wide array of administrative responsibilities. The course, "Mini Master Secretary," is tailored to equip participants with cutting-edge skills and techniques essential for excelling in this dynamic role. By blending innovative methodologies with practical applications, this course aims to empower individuals with the latest tools and knowledge required to thrive as modern secretaries.




Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Modern Secretarial Practice

Day 2

 Mastering Communication Skills

Day 3

 Utilizing Office Technologies

Day 4

 Time Management and Organization

Day 5

 Confidentiality and Data Security

Day 6

 Problem-Solving and Adaptability

Day 7

 Professional Development

Day 8

 Career Advancement

Day 9

 Practical Application and Integration

Day 10

 Final Assessment and Certification


  • All
  • May 2025
  • Dubai (UAE)