Remote Sensing in Environmental Management

The Advanced Remote Sensing in Environmental Management course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most modern and advanced remote sensing techniques used in environmental management


The Advanced Remote Sensing in Environmental Management course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the most modern and advanced remote sensing techniques used in environmental management. The course will cover a wide range of topics, including data acquisition, image processing, and analysis, as well as the application of remote sensing in various environmental management tasks. Participants will gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and case studies, enabling them to apply their knowledge effectively in real-world scenarios.


Course Objectives

Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Remote Sensing in Environmental Management

Day 2

 Remote Sensing Data Acquisition and Preprocessing

Day 3

 Image Processing and Analysis Techniques

Day 4

 Application of Remote Sensing in Environmental Monitoring

Day 5

 Integration and Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data


  • All
  • Mar 2025
  • Apr 2025
  • London (UK)
  • Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Madrid (Spain)