Partnerships for Non-Profit Organizations


Course Objectives:

Course Outlines:

Day 1: Understanding Partnerships

  1. Defining Partnerships in the Non-Profit Context
  2. Types of Partnerships and Their Benefits
  3. Identifying Potential Partners
  4. Building the Business Case for Partnerships
  5. Assessing Organizational Readiness for Partnerships

Day 2: Partner Identification and Evaluation

  1. Researching Potential Partners
  2. Criteria for Evaluating Partners
  3. Due Diligence in Partner Selection
  4. Developing a Partnership Proposal
  5. Case Studies: Successful Partner Identification

Day 3: Negotiating Partnerships

  1. Key Elements of Partnership Agreements
  2. Negotiation Strategies and Techniques
  3. Legal Considerations and Risk Management
  4. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and Contracts
  5. Role-Playing Exercise: Negotiating a Partnership

Day 4: Managing and Sustaining Partnerships

  1. Effective Communication with Partners
  2. Monitoring and Evaluating Partnership Performance
  3. Conflict Resolution and Problem-Solving
  4. Leveraging Technology for Partnership Management
  5. Case Studies: Sustaining Long-Term Partnerships

Day 5: Best Practices and Future Trends

  1. Best Practices in Partnership Management
  2. Innovation and Trends in Non-Profit Partnerships
  3. Building a Partnership Culture within the Organization
  4. Strategic Planning for Future Partnerships
  5. Group Activity: Developing a Partnership Strategy


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