Modern School Management and Leadership

The landscape of education is constantly evolving, and effective school management and leadership are crucial to ensuring the success and growth of educational institutions.


The landscape of education is constantly evolving, and effective school management and leadership are crucial to ensuring the success and growth of educational institutions. This course on modern school management and leadership is designed to equip education professionals with the most up-to-date strategies and techniques to excel in their roles. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key principles and practices required to lead and manage schools in the 21st century.




Course Outline

Day 1

 The Changing Role of School Leaders

Day 2

 Effective Team Leadership and Management

Day 3

 Curriculum Design and Implementation

Day 4

 Fostering a Positive School Culture

Day 5

 Data-Driven Decision Making and Stakeholder Engagement


  • All
  • Jul 2024
  • Cairo (Egypt)