Islamic Banking and Finance

Gain experience on the main differences between conventional and Islamic banks and Shariah-compliant investments


In today’s world flooded with interest-based transactions, unlawful bank contracts, and investments, the need for Islamic banking is increasing. Many countries have recently seen a rise in demand for Islamic banking services. Analysts expect that the Islamic banking network will overtake the conventional banking system at the current rate of expansion in the next 8 to 10 years. Islamic Banking and Finance differ from conventional banking. How Islamic banking is consistent with the Sharia, a key element is a prohibition on collecting and paying interest. Ruling out most aspects of modern finance, it allows money to be used to trade tangible assets and business.


Course Objective of Islamic banking and finance


Islamic banking and finance Course Outlines

Day 1

Basic of Islamic Banking

Day 2

Economic Systems and the emergence of Islamic Banking

Day 3

Deposit products and Financing Products (Equity-Based)

Day 4

Financing Products (Debt-Based)

Day 5

Fee-Based Product, Investment banking, and other Islamic Appraisals


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