Design and Environment

The Design and Environment: Modern Advances course is a comprehensive program that explores the intersection of design principles and environmental considerations in the modern context


The Design and Environment: Modern Advances course is a comprehensive program that explores the intersection of design principles and environmental considerations in the modern context. This course is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the latest advancements in sustainable design, green technologies, and environmentally friendly practices. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain practical knowledge and skills to create innovative and ecologically responsible designs.


Course Objectives


Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Sustainable Design

Day 2

 Green Technologies and Innovations

Day 3

 Environmental Impact and Mitigation Strategies

Day 4

 Eco-Friendly Materials and Systems

Day 5

 Biophilic Design and Future Trends


  • All
  • Feb 2025
  • Mar 2025
  • London (UK)
  • Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Madrid (Spain)