Board Members & Corporate Directors Certification Program

An advance training program that fulfill needs of board members and directors of governance corporate services


The role of the Board in the strategic management of the company, the CEO hiring process and evaluation of his/her performance, succession planning process and procedures for key positions, and equip directors with tools to help them exercise reasonable and informed oversight over the financial performance of the company.
This programme is about the principles of and best practices in corporate governance along with the applicable tools on how to instill good governance. The foundation of the whole program and it presents an introduction to the role of the board of directors and the importance of good corporate governance.


Important note; Site-visit will be offered to the Municipality or major company of the relevant sector in London or Istanbul. 


Course Overview of Board Members & Corporate Directors

Good corporate governance helps companies improve performance, increase access to finance, and foster sustained growth. The program will focus on the unique corporate governance challenges that businesses face and present structures and practices that can mitigate these challenges and ensure the viability of the business. It goes beyond basic theories and provides concise and practical tools of essential business governance dimensions that can be implemented.
You will go through the principles of corporate governance and train them on the board’s role in information disclosure and transparency, the concept of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), the role and importance of internal/external audit, and how to establish the proper control procedures.
You will also discuss the principles of corporate governance and train them on the board’s role in protecting the rights of shareholders, how to detect and approve related party transactions to protect shareholder rights and minimize the risk of having such transactions appealed, and to provide directors with practical advice on how to set a model dividend policy, prepare for and conduct the annual shareholders meeting, and resolving corporate conflicts.


Course Objectives of Board Members & Corporate Directors


Course Outlines of Board Members & Corporate Directors

Day 1

The rationale for good corporate governance & best practices

The effective board: role and authorities, duties and liabilities

The board composition, structure, and need for independent directors

Day 2

Executive and non-executive evaluation and remuneration

Working procedures of the board and its committees, and the role of the corporate secretary

The role of the board in setting the company’s strategy

Choosing and evaluating the CEO

Day 3

A guide to succession planning

What every director needs to know about accounting and finance

The board’s role in information disclosure and transparency

The board and risk management

Day 4

Establishing internal audit and control procedures

The board’s audit committee

How to interact with the external auditor

Case study: developing a model annual report

Preparing for and conducting the annual general meetings

Day 5

The board’s role in protecting shareholder rights

Related party transactions and insider trading

Managing corporate conflicts

The board’s role in setting the company’s dividend policy


Open discussion and Q&A session

Important note; Site-visit will be offered to the Municipality or major company of the relevant sector in London or Istanbul. 


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