Advanced LiDAR Data Processing and Object Detection in Robotics

The Advanced LiDAR Data Processing and Object Detection in Robotics course is designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills required to effectively work with LiDAR technology and process point cloud data for object detection and classification in 3D


The Advanced LiDAR Data Processing and Object Detection in Robotics course is designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills required to effectively work with LiDAR technology and process point cloud data for object detection and classification in 3D. This course focuses on the most modern and advanced techniques, tools, and frameworks available for LiDAR data analysis and robotics applications.


Course Objective


Course Outline

Day 1

  1. Introduction to LiDAR Technology

    • Overview of LiDAR principles and applications
    • Types of LiDAR sensors and their specifications
  2. LiDAR Sensor Selection

    • Understanding LiDAR spec sheets and technical specifications
    • Factors to consider when choosing a LiDAR sensor for a project
  3. Sensor Setup on Linux

    • Connecting LiDAR sensor to Linux systems
    • Driver installation and configuration
    • Using manufacturer-provided visualization and capture tools

Day 2
4. Real-Time Data Acquisition with ROS

  1. LiDAR Data Storage
    • Saving LiDAR data to files
    • File formats for storing point cloud data

Day 3
6. Data Exploration and Visualization

Day 4
7. Processing LiDAR Data with ROS and PCL

Day 5
8. Object Detection and Classification in 3D


  • All
  • Aug 2024
  • Dubai (UAE)