Asset management

This advanced course in asset management aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical expertise in developing modern and effective asset management strategies


This advanced course in asset management aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical expertise in developing modern and effective asset management strategies. Participants will learn the latest concepts, techniques, and best practices in asset management, focusing on optimizing the performance, value, and lifecycle of assets and properties. Through a combination of theoretical sessions, practical exercises, and case studies, participants will acquire the necessary skills to enhance asset management activities, minimize risks, and maximize returns on investment.



Course Outline

Day 1

 Introduction to Asset Management

Day 2

 Asset Planning and Acquisition

Day 3

 Asset Valuation and Risk Assessment

Day 4

 Asset Optimization and Performance Management

Day 5

 Asset Maintenance and Reliability Management

Day 6

 Technology and Data Analytics in Asset Management

Day 7

 Financial Reporting and Decision Making

Day 8

 Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Day 9

 Asset Divestment and Disposal

Day 10

 Asset Management Best Practices and Future Trends


  • All
  • Feb 2025
  • London (UK)